Circuit Documentation
This circuit is designed to monitor various health parameters and environmental conditions. It includes an Arduino Mega 2560 as the main microcontroller, interfaced with a variety of sensors and modules such as the ESP8266 NodeMCU for WiFi connectivity, a GPS module for location tracking, a GSM module for communication, and various sensors for measuring temperature, heart rate, and blood oxygen levels. The circuit also features an OLED display for data visualization, a DFPlayer Mini for audio output, and a panic/emergency button.
Component List
- ESP8266 NodeMCU: A WiFi module that allows the circuit to connect to the internet.
- Arduino Mega 2560: The primary microcontroller used for processing and controlling the various components in the circuit.
Sensors and Modules
- 0.96" OLED: A small display for showing information and readings from the sensors.
- Sim800l: A GSM/GPRS module for cellular communication.
- MAX30102: A pulse oximetry and heart-rate monitor sensor.
- DS18B20 Temperature Sensor: A digital temperature sensor for measuring environmental temperature.
- Green Button: A push button that can be used as an emergency alert trigger.
- MPU-6050: A motion tracking device with a 3-axis gyroscope and a 3-axis accelerometer.
- AD8232 Heart Rate Monitor: A single-lead heart rate monitor for measuring electrocardiography (ECG) signals.
- DFPlayer MINI: A small sound module capable of playing back stored sound files.
- Loudspeaker: An audio output device for the DFPlayer Mini.
- GPS NEO 6M: A GPS module for location tracking.
Wiring Details
ESP8266 NodeMCU
- RX: Connected to Arduino Mega 2560 TX1 (D18)
- TX: Connected to Arduino Mega 2560 RX1 (D19)
- GND: Common ground with Arduino Mega 2560 and other components
- VIN: Powered by the 3.3V output from Arduino Mega 2560
Arduino Mega 2560
- D18/TX1: Connected to ESP8266 NodeMCU RX
- D19/RX1: Connected to ESP8266 NodeMCU TX
- GND: Common ground with all components
- 3V3: Powers the ESP8266 NodeMCU, MAX30102, and AD8232 HeartRate Monitor
- 5V: Powers the Green Button, DFPlayer MINI, GPS NEO 6M, Sim800l, DS18B20 Temperature Sensor, 0.96" OLED, and MPU-6050
- A0: Connected to AD8232 HeartRate Monitor OUTPUT
- D21/SCL: Connected to MAX30102 SCL, 0.96" OLED SCK, and MPU-6050 SCL
- D20/SDA: Connected to MAX30102 SDA, 0.96" OLED SDA, and MPU-6050 SDA
- D17 PWM/RX2: Connected to Sim800l TXD
- D16 PWM/TX2: Connected to Sim800l RXD
- D15/RX3: Connected to GPS NEO 6M TX
- D14/TX3: Connected to GPS NEO 6M RX
- D2 PWM: Connected to DS18B20 Temperature Sensor OUT
- D4 PWM: Connected to Green Button OUT
- D7 PWM: Connected to AD8232 HeartRate Monitor LO+
- D8 PWM: Connected to AD8232 HeartRate Monitor LO-
- D10 PWM: Connected to DFPlayer MINI RX
- D11 PWM: Connected to DFPlayer MINI TX
0.96" OLED
- GND: Common ground
- VDD: Powered by the 5V output from Arduino Mega 2560
- SCK: Connected to Arduino Mega 2560 SCL (D21)
- SDA: Connected to Arduino Mega 2560 SDA (D20)
- NET: Not connected
- RST: Not connected
- VCC: Powered by the 5V output from Arduino Mega 2560
- RXD: Connected to Arduino Mega 2560 TX2 (D16)
- TXD: Connected to Arduino Mega 2560 RX2 (D17)
- GND: Common ground
- VIN: Powered by the 3.3V output from Arduino Mega 2560
- SDA: Connected to Arduino Mega 2560 SDA (D20)
- SCL: Connected to Arduino Mega 2560 SCL (D21)
- GND: Common ground
DS18B20 Temperature Sensor
- GND: Common ground
- VCC: Powered by the 5V output from Arduino Mega 2560
- OUT: Connected to Arduino Mega 2560 D2 PWM
Green Button
- OUT: Connected to Arduino Mega 2560 D4 PWM
- VCC: Powered by the 5V output from Arduino Mega 2560
- GND: Common ground
- VCC: Powered by the 5V output from Arduino Mega 2560
- GND: Common ground
- SCL: Connected to Arduino Mega 2560 SCL (D21)
- SDA: Connected to Arduino Mega 2560 SDA (D20)
AD8232 HeartRate Monitor
- GND: Common ground
- 3.3v: Powered by the 3.3V output from Arduino Mega 2560
- OUTPUT: Connected to Arduino Mega 2560 A0
- LO-: Connected to Arduino Mega 2560 D8 PWM
- LO+: Connected to Arduino Mega 2560 D7 PWM
- VCC: Powered by the 5V output from Arduino Mega 2560
- RX: Connected to Arduino Mega 2560 D10 PWM
- TX: Connected to Arduino Mega 2560 D11 PWM
- SPK1: Connected to Loudspeaker pin1
- SPK2: Connected to Loudspeaker pin2
- GND: Common ground
- pin1: Connected to DFPlayer MINI SPK1
- pin2: Connected to DFPlayer MINI SPK2
- VCC: Powered by the 5V output from Arduino Mega 2560
- RX: Connected to Arduino Mega 2560 TX3 (D14)
- TX: Connected to Arduino Mega 2560 RX3 (D15)
- GND: Common ground
Documented Code
#include <Adafruit_MAX31855.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
#include <Adafruit_MAX30105.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <MPU6050.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <DFRobotDFPlayerMini.h>
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 128
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 64
Adafruit_SSD1306 display(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, &Wire);
Adafruit_MAX30105 max30102;
OneWire oneWire(2);
DallasTemperature tempSensor(&oneWire);
MPU6050 mpu;
SoftwareSerial gsmSerial(12, 13);
#define GUARDIAN_NUMBER "+1234567890"
#define HOSPITAL_NUMBER "+0987654321"
#define ECG_PIN A0
String latitude = "N/A";
String longitude = "N/A";
SoftwareSerial dfSerial(10, 11);
DFRobotDFPlayerMini dfPlayer;
void setup() {
if (!display.begin(SSD1306_I2C_ADDRESS, 0x3C)) {
Serial.println("OLED initialization failed.");
for (;;);
if (!max30102.begin()) {
Serial.println("MAX30102 not detected.");
for (;;);
if (!dfPlayer.begin(dfSerial)) {
Serial.println("DFPlayer initialization failed!");
for (;;);