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Arduino UNO Controlled Traffic Light System with Joystick Interface
This project utilizes an Arduino UNO to create an interactive traffic light control system, operated via a joystick module. The circuit allows the user to manipulate a traffic light, changing signals from red to yellow to green based on the joystick's direction. It's a hands-on demonstration of embedded systems interfacing with user input to control external devices.
Arduino UNO and LM35 Temperature Sensor with Serial Monitoring
This project uses an Arduino UNO and an LM35 temperature sensor to measure and display temperature readings in Celsius. The sensor's output is read by the Arduino and the temperature is printed to the Serial Monitor, providing real-time temperature data.
Arduino Laser Emitter Control Circuit
This circuit utilizes an Arduino UNO to control a KY-008 Laser Emitter, allowing for the activation of the laser through a digital signal. The setup is designed for applications such as laser-based projects or demonstrations, providing a simple interface for laser control.
Ultrasonic Distance Measurement with Servo Control and LCD Display
This project utilizes an Arduino Uno, an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, a servo motor, and an LCD display to measure and visually present the distance to an object. The servo motor adjusts its position based on the measured distance, providing a dynamic response to the sensor's readings.
Arduino UNO Based Wireless Servo Control with NRF24L01 and LED Indicators
This project utilizes two Arduino UNO boards equipped with NRF24L01 modules to establish a wireless communication system for controlling servos and LED indicators. One Arduino acts as a transmitter, sending signals when buttons are pressed to either move servos or light up corresponding LEDs on the receiver side, which executes the commands and provides visual feedback.
ESP32-Controlled Soil Moisture Monitoring and Water Pump System
This circuit features an ESP32 microcontroller interfaced with a soil moisture sensor and a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, controlling a 5V mini water pump through a relay. The ESP32 reads the soil moisture level and ambient conditions to intelligently activate the water pump, ensuring optimal soil moisture for plants. The system is powered by a 5V adapter, making it suitable for indoor gardening automation.
ESP32-Based Ambient Light Sensor with BH1750
This circuit integrates an ESP32 microcontroller with a BH1750 ambient light sensor for measuring light intensity. The ESP32 communicates with the BH1750 sensor over I2C, with connections for SCL and SDA, as well as power (3V3) and ground. It's designed for applications that require monitoring of environmental light conditions, potentially for smart lighting or environmental monitoring systems.
ESP32-Based Environmental Monitoring System with I2C Multiplexer and Gas Sensor
This project utilizes an ESP32 microcontroller to create an environmental monitoring system that reads data from a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor and an MQ-5 gas sensor. The system features an Adafruit TCA9548A I2C multiplexer to manage multiple I2C devices, and it outputs the sensor data to the Serial Monitor.
Arduino-Based Automatic Drainage Water Monitoring & Flood Control System with Air Quality and Pressure Sensors
This project utilizes an Arduino UNO to monitor water levels, air quality, and pressure, controlling a drainage system with a float switch, MQ135 air quality sensor, pressure sensor, relay module, DC motor, and solenoid valve. The system features automatic control and status indication via LEDs, and includes a stop button for manual override.
Arduino-Controlled Dual DC Motor Driver with Hall Effect Sensors and Indicator LEDs
This project is a motor control system that uses an Arduino UNO to drive two DC motors via an L293D motor driver, with speed feedback provided by Hall effect sensors. The system includes red LEDs to indicate the activation of each Hall sensor, and the Arduino's firmware is programmed to control motor direction based on the sensor inputs. It's designed to be a foundational setup for robotics applications that require precise motor control and feedback.
Arduino UNO Bluetooth-Controlled Car with L298N Motor Driver
This project is a Bluetooth-controlled car that uses an Arduino UNO microcontroller and an L298N DC motor driver to operate four motors with wheels. The car's movement can be directed via Bluetooth commands from a paired device, allowing for wireless control of forward, backward, left, and right motions. The circuit is powered by a 12V battery, and the Arduino UNO is programmed to interpret Bluetooth signals to drive the motors accordingly.
Arduino UNO Bluetooth-Controlled Servo Motor System
This project utilizes an Arduino UNO, an HC-05 Bluetooth module, and a Tower Pro SG90 servo motor to create a Bluetooth-controlled servo motor system. The Arduino UNO interfaces with the HC-05 module for wireless communication and controls the servo motor based on received commands.
Arduino-Controlled Input Interface with Momentary Switches and Rotary Encoders
This circuit serves as a versatile input interface, featuring an array of red and black momentary switches, toggle switches, and rotary encoders, all managed by an Arduino Micro Pro. It is designed to capture user inputs through various controls, which can then be processed by the Arduino for applications such as custom controllers, interactive installations, or prototype user interfaces.
Battery-Powered Buzzer Circuit
This simple circuit connects a buzzer directly to a 3V AA battery pack. When the circuit is completed, the buzzer is powered by the batteries and will emit a sound. This design is commonly used for basic signaling or alerting applications.
Arduino UNO-Based Smart Parking System with IR Sensors and LCD Display
This project utilizes an Arduino UNO, IR sensors, a micro servo, and a 16x2 I2C LCD to create a smart parking system. The system detects vehicle presence using IR sensors, displays parking slot availability on the LCD, and controls a servo motor to manage entry.
Arduino Heartbeat Sensor with OLED Display
This project utilizes an Arduino UNO to monitor heartbeats using a heartbeat sensor and display the readings on a 0.96" OLED screen. The circuit is powered by a MAHIR 12.0 power supply, ensuring reliable operation for continuous health monitoring.
ESP32-Based Temperature-Controlled Fan with OLED Display
This project uses an ESP32 microcontroller and an LM35 temperature sensor to monitor ambient temperature and control a fan's speed based on the detected temperature. The system features an OLED display for real-time temperature and fan speed readouts, and it employs phase angle control for efficient fan operation.
Arduino-Powered Autonomous Obstacle Avoidance Robot with Servo Control
This circuit design features an Arduino UNO and a variety of motors and sensors to create an autonomous robot capable of navigating its environment while avoiding obstacles. Utilizing an ultrasonic sensor for distance measurement and a servo motor for directional control, the robot can make real-time decisions to move forward, backward, or turn based on detected obstacles.
Arduino-Controlled Obstacle Avoiding Robot with Ultrasonic Sensor and Dual H-Bridge Motor Control
This project features an Arduino UNO-based robot that can autonomously navigate and avoid obstacles using an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor. The robot's movement is powered by two sets of motors and wheels, controlled by an L298 Dual H Bridge Motor Speed Controller, allowing for precise speed and direction adjustments. A servomotor is used to sweep the ultrasonic sensor for a wider range of detection, and the entire system is managed through an Arduino Sensor Shield for easy connectivity.
Arduino Mega 2560 and UHF RFID-Based Animal Tag Detection System with GPS
This project utilizes an Arduino Mega 2560, a UHF RFID IN-R200 module, and a GPS antenna to create an animal tag detection system. The system reads RFID tags, processes the data to identify specific animals, and uses GPS for location tracking.
Arduino UNO Controlled Traffic Light System with Joystick Interface
This project utilizes an Arduino UNO to create an interactive traffic light control system, operated via a joystick module. The circuit allows the user to manipulate a traffic light, changing signals from red to yellow to green based on the joystick's direction. It's a hands-on demonstration of embedded systems interfacing with user input to control external devices.
AI Score: 10 / 10
Arduino UNO and LM35 Temperature Sensor with Serial Monitoring
This project uses an Arduino UNO and an LM35 temperature sensor to measure and display temperature readings in Celsius. The sensor's output is read by the Arduino and the temperature is printed to the Serial Monitor, providing real-time temperature data.
AI Score: 10 / 10
Arduino Laser Emitter Control Circuit
This circuit utilizes an Arduino UNO to control a KY-008 Laser Emitter, allowing for the activation of the laser through a digital signal. The setup is designed for applications such as laser-based projects or demonstrations, providing a simple interface for laser control.
AI Score: 10 / 10
Ultrasonic Distance Measurement with Servo Control and LCD Display
This project utilizes an Arduino Uno, an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, a servo motor, and an LCD display to measure and visually present the distance to an object. The servo motor adjusts its position based on the measured distance, providing a dynamic response to the sensor's readings.
AI Score: 10 / 10
Arduino UNO Based Wireless Servo Control with NRF24L01 and LED Indicators
This project utilizes two Arduino UNO boards equipped with NRF24L01 modules to establish a wireless communication system for controlling servos and LED indicators. One Arduino acts as a transmitter, sending signals when buttons are pressed to either move servos or light up corresponding LEDs on the receiver side, which executes the commands and provides visual feedback.
AI Score: 10 / 10
ESP32-Controlled Soil Moisture Monitoring and Water Pump System
This circuit features an ESP32 microcontroller interfaced with a soil moisture sensor and a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, controlling a 5V mini water pump through a relay. The ESP32 reads the soil moisture level and ambient conditions to intelligently activate the water pump, ensuring optimal soil moisture for plants. The system is powered by a 5V adapter, making it suitable for indoor gardening automation.
AI Score: 7 / 10
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ESP32-Based Ambient Light Sensor with BH1750
This circuit integrates an ESP32 microcontroller with a BH1750 ambient light sensor for measuring light intensity. The ESP32 communicates with the BH1750 sensor over I2C, with connections for SCL and SDA, as well as power (3V3) and ground. It's designed for applications that require monitoring of environmental light conditions, potentially for smart lighting or environmental monitoring systems.
AI Score: 8 / 10
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ESP32-Based Environmental Monitoring System with I2C Multiplexer and Gas Sensor
This project utilizes an ESP32 microcontroller to create an environmental monitoring system that reads data from a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor and an MQ-5 gas sensor. The system features an Adafruit TCA9548A I2C multiplexer to manage multiple I2C devices, and it outputs the sensor data to the Serial Monitor.
AI Score: 10 / 10
Arduino-Based Automatic Drainage Water Monitoring & Flood Control System with Air Quality and Pressure Sensors
This project utilizes an Arduino UNO to monitor water levels, air quality, and pressure, controlling a drainage system with a float switch, MQ135 air quality sensor, pressure sensor, relay module, DC motor, and solenoid valve. The system features automatic control and status indication via LEDs, and includes a stop button for manual override.
AI Score: 10 / 10
Arduino-Controlled Dual DC Motor Driver with Hall Effect Sensors and Indicator LEDs
This project is a motor control system that uses an Arduino UNO to drive two DC motors via an L293D motor driver, with speed feedback provided by Hall effect sensors. The system includes red LEDs to indicate the activation of each Hall sensor, and the Arduino's firmware is programmed to control motor direction based on the sensor inputs. It's designed to be a foundational setup for robotics applications that require precise motor control and feedback.
AI Score: 10 / 10
Arduino UNO Bluetooth-Controlled Car with L298N Motor Driver
This project is a Bluetooth-controlled car that uses an Arduino UNO microcontroller and an L298N DC motor driver to operate four motors with wheels. The car's movement can be directed via Bluetooth commands from a paired device, allowing for wireless control of forward, backward, left, and right motions. The circuit is powered by a 12V battery, and the Arduino UNO is programmed to interpret Bluetooth signals to drive the motors accordingly.
AI Score: 8 / 10
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Arduino UNO Bluetooth-Controlled Servo Motor System
This project utilizes an Arduino UNO, an HC-05 Bluetooth module, and a Tower Pro SG90 servo motor to create a Bluetooth-controlled servo motor system. The Arduino UNO interfaces with the HC-05 module for wireless communication and controls the servo motor based on received commands.
AI Score: 10 / 10
Arduino-Controlled Input Interface with Momentary Switches and Rotary Encoders
This circuit serves as a versatile input interface, featuring an array of red and black momentary switches, toggle switches, and rotary encoders, all managed by an Arduino Micro Pro. It is designed to capture user inputs through various controls, which can then be processed by the Arduino for applications such as custom controllers, interactive installations, or prototype user interfaces.
AI Score: 7 / 10
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Battery-Powered Buzzer Circuit
This simple circuit connects a buzzer directly to a 3V AA battery pack. When the circuit is completed, the buzzer is powered by the batteries and will emit a sound. This design is commonly used for basic signaling or alerting applications.
AI Score: 10 / 10
Arduino UNO-Based Smart Parking System with IR Sensors and LCD Display
This project utilizes an Arduino UNO, IR sensors, a micro servo, and a 16x2 I2C LCD to create a smart parking system. The system detects vehicle presence using IR sensors, displays parking slot availability on the LCD, and controls a servo motor to manage entry.
AI Score: 10 / 10
Arduino Heartbeat Sensor with OLED Display
This project utilizes an Arduino UNO to monitor heartbeats using a heartbeat sensor and display the readings on a 0.96" OLED screen. The circuit is powered by a MAHIR 12.0 power supply, ensuring reliable operation for continuous health monitoring.
AI Score: 10 / 10
ESP32-Based Temperature-Controlled Fan with OLED Display
This project uses an ESP32 microcontroller and an LM35 temperature sensor to monitor ambient temperature and control a fan's speed based on the detected temperature. The system features an OLED display for real-time temperature and fan speed readouts, and it employs phase angle control for efficient fan operation.
AI Score: 10 / 10
Arduino-Powered Autonomous Obstacle Avoidance Robot with Servo Control
This circuit design features an Arduino UNO and a variety of motors and sensors to create an autonomous robot capable of navigating its environment while avoiding obstacles. Utilizing an ultrasonic sensor for distance measurement and a servo motor for directional control, the robot can make real-time decisions to move forward, backward, or turn based on detected obstacles.
AI Score: 10 / 10
Arduino-Controlled Obstacle Avoiding Robot with Ultrasonic Sensor and Dual H-Bridge Motor Control
This project features an Arduino UNO-based robot that can autonomously navigate and avoid obstacles using an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor. The robot's movement is powered by two sets of motors and wheels, controlled by an L298 Dual H Bridge Motor Speed Controller, allowing for precise speed and direction adjustments. A servomotor is used to sweep the ultrasonic sensor for a wider range of detection, and the entire system is managed through an Arduino Sensor Shield for easy connectivity.
AI Score: 10 / 10
Arduino Mega 2560 and UHF RFID-Based Animal Tag Detection System with GPS
This project utilizes an Arduino Mega 2560, a UHF RFID IN-R200 module, and a GPS antenna to create an animal tag detection system. The system reads RFID tags, processes the data to identify specific animals, and uses GPS for location tracking.
AI Score: 8 / 10
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AI generated scoring of project based on completeness and functionality.