Circuit Documentation
This circuit integrates a variety of components including microcontrollers, sensors, actuators, and display modules to form a complex system capable of interfacing with the physical world. The core of the circuit is based on two Arduino UNO boards, which are responsible for controlling the connected devices such as the Servo motors, I2C LCD screens, a Piezo Buzzer, an HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor, a SIM800L GSM Module, an RTC module, a Fingerprint Scanner, and an ESP32-CAM. The circuit also includes user input elements like Pushbuttons and a Rotary Encoder, and output elements like a multi-color LED and a Piezo Buzzer. The circuit is designed to be powered by the Arduino boards, which distribute power to the other components.
Component List
- Arduino UNO: A microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P, featuring digital and analog I/O pins.
- Servo: An actuator that can be precisely controlled to rotate to different positions.
- I2C LCD 16x2 Screen: A liquid crystal display that can show text on two lines of 16 characters each, using the I2C communication protocol.
- Piezo Buzzer: An electronic device that emits sound when an electric signal is applied.
- SIM800L GSM Module: A module that allows GSM cellular connectivity for making calls, sending SMS, and data communication.
- RTC Module: A real-time clock module that keeps track of the current time even when the microcontroller is turned off.
- LED: Four Pin: A multi-color LED with separate pins for the red, green, and blue cathodes and a common anode.
- Resistor: A passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical resistance as a circuit element.
- HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor: A sensor that measures distance by emitting ultrasonic waves and measuring the time taken for the echo to return.
- Rotary Encoder: An input device that provides rotational position feedback.
- Fingerprint Scanner: A biometric device that captures fingerprints for secure identification and authentication purposes.
- Pushbutton: A simple switch mechanism for controlling some aspect of a machine or a process.
- ESP32 - CAM: A small camera module with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities.
Wiring Details
Arduino UNO
- Digital pins D11, D10, D9 are connected to the RGB cathodes of the LED through resistors.
- Analog pins A4 (SDA) and A5 (SCL) are used for I2C communication with the LCD screen and RTC module.
- Digital pins D13 and D12 are connected to the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor's ECHO and TRIG pins, respectively.
- Digital pins D8 and D7 are connected to the SIM800L GSM Module's RXD and TXD pins, respectively.
- Digital pin D6 is connected to the Piezo Buzzer.
- Digital pin D5 is connected to the Servo's pulse pin.
- Digital pins D4, D3, and D2 are connected to the Rotary Encoder's SW, DT, and CLK pins, respectively.
- The 3.3V and 5V pins provide power to various components.
- The GND pin is connected to the common ground net.
- VCC pin connected to 5V power supply.
- GND pin connected to common ground.
- Pulse pin connected to a digital pin on the Arduino for control signals.
I2C LCD 16x2 Screen
- SDA and SCL pins connected to the I2C data and clock lines, respectively.
- VCC (5V) pin connected to 5V power supply.
- GND pin connected to common ground.
Piezo Buzzer
- One pin connected to a digital pin on the Arduino for control signals.
- The other pin connected to common ground.
SIM800L GSM Module
- 5V and GND pins connected to power supply and common ground, respectively.
- SIM_TXD and SIM_RXD pins connected to digital pins on the Arduino for serial communication.
RTC Module
- SCL and SDA pins connected to the I2C clock and data lines, respectively.
- VCC pin connected to 5V power supply.
- GND pin connected to common ground.
LED: Four Pin
- Red, green, and blue cathodes connected to digital pins on the Arduino through resistors.
- Common anode connected to common ground.
- Used in series with the LED cathodes and connected to digital pins on the Arduino.
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
- VCC pin connected to 5V power supply.
- TRIG and ECHO pins connected to digital pins on the Arduino.
- GND pin connected to common ground.
Rotary Encoder
- GND and + pins connected to common ground and power supply, respectively.
- SW, DT, and CLK pins connected to digital pins on the Arduino.
Fingerprint Scanner
- VCC pin connected to 3.3V power supply.
- GND pin connected to common ground.
- TX and RX pins connected to digital pins on the Arduino for serial communication.
- One side connected to digital pins on the Arduino.
- The other side connected to common ground.
- 5V and GND pins connected to power supply and common ground, respectively.
- IO pins connected as required for specific functionality.
Documented Code
Arduino UNO (Primary Controller)
void setup() {
void loop() {
Arduino UNO (Secondary Controller)
void setup() {
void loop() {
Note: The provided code snippets are placeholders and need to be filled with the actual logic to control the components as per the circuit's requirements.