This circuit integrates various components to perform a set of functions that likely involve motor control, timekeeping, and weight measurement. An Arduino UNO serves as the central microcontroller, interfacing with an L293D motor driver to control a DC motor, an RTC (Real-Time Clock) module for timekeeping, and an HX711 bridge sensor interface connected to a load cell for weight measurement.
connected to VCC of HX711, L293D Motor Driver, and RTC ModuleGND
connected to GND of HX711, L293D Motor Driver, and RTC ModuleA4 (SDA)
connected to SDA of RTC ModuleA5 (SCL)
connected to SCL of RTC ModuleD9
connected to EN_A of L293D Motor DriverD7
connected to SCK - CLOCK (IN) of HX711D6
connected to DATA (OUT) of HX711D5
connected to A2 of L293D Motor DriverD4
connected to A1 of L293D Motor DriverVCC
connected to 5V of Arduino UNOGND
connected to GND of Arduino UNOEN_A
connected to D9 of Arduino UNOA1
connected to D4 of Arduino UNOA2
connected to D5 of Arduino UNOMPIN_3
connected to pin 2 of DC MotorMPIN_4
connected to pin 1 of DC Motorpin 1
connected to MPIN_4 of L293D Motor Driverpin 2
connected to MPIN_3 of L293D Motor DriverVCC
connected to 5V of Arduino UNOGND
connected to GND of Arduino UNOSDA
connected to A4 of Arduino UNOSCL
connected to A5 of Arduino UNOE+
connected to E+ of HX711A-
connected to A- of HX711E-
connected to E- of HX711A+
connected to A+ of HX7113.3/3.5V Supply
connected to 5V of Arduino UNOGND - GROUND
connected to GND of Arduino UNOSCK - CLOCK (IN)
connected to D7 of Arduino UNODATA (OUT)
connected to D6 of Arduino UNOE+
connected to E+ of Load CellA-
connected to A- of Load CellE-
connected to E- of Load CellA+
connected to A+ of Load Cellvoid setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
Note: The provided code is a template and does not include specific functionality. It needs to be filled in with the logic to control the motor driver, read data from the RTC module, and interface with the HX711 to read the load cell.