Circuit Documentation
This document provides a detailed overview of a circuit designed to interface various components including sensors, a microcontroller, a display, and other peripherals. The primary controller in this circuit is the Arduino Mega 2560, which is responsible for managing inputs and outputs, as well as communicating with an ESP32-CAM module and an Adafruit ADXL345 accelerometer. The circuit also includes an LCD Display for output, an HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor for distance measurement, a toggle switch for user input, and a series of LEDs and resistors for indication purposes.
Component List
Adafruit ADXL345
- Description: A digital accelerometer providing high resolution (13-bit) measurement at up to ±16g.
- Description: A small-sized ESP32-based camera module that is suitable for smart home devices and wireless monitoring.
- Pins: 5V, GND, IO12, IO13, IO15, IO14, IO2, IO4, VOT, VOR, VCC, IO0, IO16, 3V3
LCD Display 16x4 I2C
- Description: A 16x4 character LCD display with an I2C interface for easy communication.
- Pins: SCL, SDA, VCC, GND
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
- Description: An ultrasonic distance sensor capable of measuring distances from 2cm to 400cm.
Toggle Switch
- Description: A simple switch that can connect or disconnect an electrical circuit.
- Pins: L1, COM, L2
9V Battery
- Description: A standard 9V battery used to provide power to the circuit.
- Pins: -, +
DIP Switch 4 Position
- Description: A manual electric switch packaged in a standard dual in-line package with 4 individual switches.
- Pins: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Arduino Mega 2560
- Description: A microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560 with 54 digital input/output pins.
- Pins: IOREF, RESET, 3V3, 5V, GND, VIN, A0-A15, D0-D53, AREF, SDA, SCL
LED: Two Pin (red)
- Description: A red light-emitting diode for indication purposes.
- Pins: cathode, anode
LED: Two Pin (green)
- Description: A green light-emitting diode for indication purposes.
- Pins: cathode, anode
Resistor (1k Ohms)
- Description: A resistor with a resistance of 1000 Ohms.
- Pins: pin1, pin2
Resistor (100 Ohms)
- Description: A resistor with a resistance of 100 Ohms.
- Pins: pin1, pin2
Resistor (200 Ohms)
- Description: A resistor with a resistance of 200 Ohms.
- Pins: pin1, pin2
Wiring Details
Adafruit ADXL345
- VIN connected to 5V power supply
- GND connected to common ground
- SDA/SDIO connected to Arduino Mega 2560 SDA (D20/SDA)
- SCL connected to Arduino Mega 2560 SCL (D21/SCL)
- 5V connected to 5V power supply
- GND connected to common ground
- IO15 connected to 100 Ohm resistor, which is connected to Arduino Mega 2560 D6 PWM
LCD Display 16x4 I2C
- SCL connected to Arduino Mega 2560 SCL (D21/SCL)
- SDA connected to Arduino Mega 2560 SDA (D20/SDA)
- VCC connected to 5V power supply
- GND connected to common ground
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
- VCC connected to 5V power supply
- GND connected to common ground
- TRIG connected to Arduino Mega 2560 D9 PWM
- ECHO connected to Arduino Mega 2560 D10 PWM
Toggle Switch
- COM connected to common ground
- L1 connected to Arduino Mega 2560 D8 PWM
- L2 connected to Arduino Mega 2560 D7 PWM
DIP Switch 4 Position
- 4 connected to 5V power supply
- 1 connected to common ground
- 2 connected to Arduino Mega 2560 D18/TX1
- 3 connected to Arduino Mega 2560 D19/RX1
Arduino Mega 2560
- 5V connected to 5V power supply
- GND connected to common ground
- D6 PWM connected to 100 Ohm resistor
- D7 PWM connected to Toggle Switch L2
- D8 PWM connected to Toggle Switch L1
- D9 PWM connected to HC-SR04 TRIG
- D10 PWM connected to HC-SR04 ECHO
- D12 PWM connected to 1k Ohm resistor
- D13 PWM connected to 1k Ohm resistor
- D18/TX1 connected to DIP Switch 2
- D19/RX1 connected to DIP Switch 3
- D20/SDA connected to LCD Display SDA and Adafruit ADXL345 SDA/SDIO
- D21/SCL connected to LCD Display SCL and Adafruit ADXL345 SCL
LED: Two Pin (red)
- cathode connected to common ground
- anode connected to 1k Ohm resistor, which is connected to Arduino Mega 2560 D13 PWM
LED: Two Pin (green)
- cathode connected to common ground
- anode connected to 1k Ohm resistor, which is connected to Arduino Mega 2560 D12 PWM
Resistor (1k Ohms)
- One resistor connected between Arduino Mega 2560 D12 PWM and green LED anode
- Another resistor connected between Arduino Mega 2560 D13 PWM and red LED anode
Resistor (100 Ohms)
- Connected between ESP32 - CAM IO15 and Arduino Mega 2560 D6 PWM
Resistor (200 Ohms)
- Not connected in the provided net list
Documented Code
Arduino Mega 2560 Code (sketch.ino)
void setup() {
void loop() {
Note: The provided code for the Arduino Mega 2560 is a template with empty setup and loop functions. This code should be expanded with the specific logic required to control the components in the circuit.