This circuit is designed to control multiple DC motors via an L298N motor driver module, with an Arduino Nano serving as the central microcontroller. The system is powered by a series of two 18650 Li-ion batteries and includes an HC-05 Bluetooth module for wireless communication. The Arduino Nano receives commands, presumably over Bluetooth, and drives the motors accordingly through the motor driver.
connected to HC-05 Bluetooth Module RXD
connected to HC-05 Bluetooth Module TXD
to D5
connected to L298N DC motor driver IN1
to IN4
, D10
connected to L298N DC motor driver ENA
connected to the positive terminal of the 18650 Li-ion Battery x 2GND
connected to the common ground net5V
connected to HC-05 Bluetooth Module VCC
pin 1
connected to L298N DC motor driver OUT4
, OUT3
pin 2
connected to L298N DC motor driver OUT3
, OUT4
pin 1
connected to L298N DC motor driver OUT2
, OUT1
pin 2
connected to L298N DC motor driver OUT1
, OUT2
connected to L298N DC motor driver 12V
and Arduino Nano VIN
connected to the common ground netIN1
to IN4
connected to Arduino Nano D2
to D5
connected to Arduino Nano D9
, D10
to OUT4
connected to the respective DC Motor pins12V
connected to the positive terminal of the 18650 Li-ion Battery x 2GND
connected to the common ground netRXD
connected to Arduino Nano D1/TX
connected to Arduino Nano D0/RX
connected to the common ground netVCC
connected to Arduino Nano 5V
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
(No additional documentation provided)
This concludes the documentation for the given circuit. The code provided is a template and does not contain any functional logic to control the motors or communicate with the Bluetooth module. Additional programming will be required to implement the desired functionality.