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ESP32 Nano and APC220-Based Wireless Home Security System with RGB LED and Buzzer Alerts

Image of ESP32 Nano and APC220-Based Wireless Home Security System with RGB LED and Buzzer Alerts

Circuit Documentation


This document provides a detailed overview of a security system circuit designed using an Arduino Nano ESP32 microcontroller. The system includes an APC220 wireless communication module, an RGB LED, a push switch, a piezo buzzer, and resistors. The circuit is programmed to handle various security functions such as arming/disarming the system, alerting intrusions, and sending email notifications.

Component List


  • Description: Wireless communication module
  • Pins: GND, VCC, EN, RXD, TXD, AUX, SET

Arduino Nano ESP32

  • Description: Microcontroller
  • Pins: D12, D11, D10, D9, D8, D7, D6, D5, D4, D3, D2, GND, RST, RX0, TX1, D13, 3.3V, B0, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, VBUS, B1, VIN

RGB LED (Wokwi compatible)

  • Description: RGB LED
  • Pins: R, COM, G, B

2Pin Push Switch

  • Description: Push button switch
  • Pins: Input +, Output +

Piezo Buzzer

  • Description: Buzzer for sound alerts
  • Pins: pin 1, pin 2

Resistor (220 Ohms)

  • Description: Resistor
  • Pins: pin1, pin2
  • Properties: Resistance: 220 Ohms

Resistor (10k Ohms)

  • Description: Resistor
  • Pins: pin1, pin2
  • Properties: Resistance: 10k Ohms

Wiring Details


  • TXD: Not connected
  • RXD: Connected to D9 of Arduino Nano ESP32
  • VCC: Connected to Output + of 2Pin Push Switch and 3.3V of Arduino Nano ESP32
  • GND: Connected to pin2 of 220 Ohms Resistor, pin2 of 10k Ohms Resistor, pin 2 of Piezo Buzzer, and GND of Arduino Nano ESP32

Arduino Nano ESP32

  • D9: Connected to RXD of APC220
  • 3.3V: Connected to Output + of 2Pin Push Switch and VCC of APC220
  • GND: Connected to pin2 of 220 Ohms Resistor, pin2 of 10k Ohms Resistor, pin 2 of Piezo Buzzer, and GND of APC220
  • D7: Connected to R of RGB LED
  • D6: Connected to G of RGB LED
  • D5: Connected to B of RGB LED
  • D3: Connected to pin 1 of Piezo Buzzer

RGB LED (Wokwi compatible)

  • R: Connected to D7 of Arduino Nano ESP32
  • COM: Connected to pin1 of 220 Ohms Resistor
  • G: Connected to D6 of Arduino Nano ESP32
  • B: Connected to D5 of Arduino Nano ESP32

2Pin Push Switch

  • Input +: Connected to pin1 of 10k Ohms Resistor
  • Output +: Connected to VCC of APC220 and 3.3V of Arduino Nano ESP32

Piezo Buzzer

  • pin 1: Connected to D3 of Arduino Nano ESP32
  • pin 2: Connected to GND of Arduino Nano ESP32 and GND of APC220

Resistor (220 Ohms)

  • pin1: Connected to COM of RGB LED
  • pin2: Connected to GND of Arduino Nano ESP32 and GND of APC220

Resistor (10k Ohms)

  • pin1: Connected to Input + of 2Pin Push Switch
  • pin2: Connected to GND of Arduino Nano ESP32 and GND of APC220

Code Documentation

Project: Fleapit Security System - Homebase (ESP32 Nano)

  • Date: 26-10-2024
  • Version:
    • 0.1 (26-10-2024) work in progress
    • 1.0 (22-12-2024) working version
    • 1.1 (23-12-2024) minor improvements, added ALIVE checking, added beep on mode change
    • 1.4 (26-12-2024) created one function for (dis)arming system, minor adjustments to function parameters
  • Description: This is the home base ESP32 Arduino Nano code for the security of the fleapit with the aid of the APC220 wireless communication module.


#include <Arduino.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <ESP_Mail_Client.h>

#define TIME_BETWEEN_ALIVE_CHECK  3000 // milliseconds
#define ON                        1
#define OFF                       0
#define APC220_SPEED              9600 // baud
#define APC220_RX_PIN             9
#define APC220_TX_PIN             8
#define ARMED_LED_PIN             7 // Rgb led (blinking)
#define DISARMED_LED_PIN          6 // rGb led (blinking)
#define ALERT_LED_PIN             5 // rgB led (blinking)
#define MODE_BUTTON_PIN           4
#define ALERT_BUZZER_PIN          3

// Some tones
#define TONE_B4                   494 // Hz
#define TONE_D4                   294 // Hz

// WIFI settings
#define WIFI_SSID "TP-Link_Guest_D400"
#define WIFI_PASSWORD "CrazyFamily"

// EMAIL settings
// The smtp host name e.g. for GMail or for Outlook or
#define SMTP_HOST ""
#define SMTP_PORT 465

// The sign in credentials
#define AUTHOR_EMAIL ""
#define AUTHOR_PASSWORD "pcbq mqbo wzsx jftk"

// Recipient's email

void BlinkLed(const byte, const int, const int);
void ArmSystem(const bool);
void AlertOn(const byte, const byte, const int);
void sendEmail(void);
void ShortBeep(void);

SoftwareSerial homebase(APC220_TX_PIN, APC220_RX_PIN);
String sendMessage, receivedMessage;
bool systemArmed = OFF;
unsigned long fleapitLastTimeAlive = 0; // Used for checking if the communication is still active
String messages[MAX_NUMBER_OF_MESSAGES] = { "INTRUDER ALERT", "STILL ALIVE!", "SYSTEM ARMED", "SYSTEM DISARMED" }; // All the messages that can be received from the fleapit
byte messageNumber = -1;

void loop(void) {
  // Check for button press
  if (digitalRead(MODE_BUTTON_PIN)) {
    while (digitalRead(MODE_BUTTON_PIN)) { ; }
    systemArmed ? ArmSystem(OFF) : ArmSystem(ON);

  // Checking for messages
  if (homebase.available()) {
    receivedMessage = homebase.readStringUntil('\n');
    for (byte i = 0; i < MAX_NUMBER_OF_MESSAGES; i++) {
      if ( receivedMessage == messages[i] ) {
        messageNumber = i;
    switch (messageNumber) {
      case 0: // "INTRUDER ALERT"
        AlertOn(ALERT_LED_PIN, ALERT_BUZZER_PIN, 500);
      case 1: // "STILL ALIVE!"
        systemArmed ? BlinkLed(ARMED_LED_PIN, 1, 200) : BlinkLed(DISARMED_LED_PIN, 1, 200);
      case 2: // "SYSTEM ARMED"
        BlinkLed(ARMED_LED_PIN, 5, 200);
        systemArmed = ON;
      case 3: // "SYSTEM DISARMED"
        BlinkLed(DISARMED_LED_PIN, 5, 200);
        systemArmed = OFF;

  // Checking if it is time to ask life status
  if ( millis() > (fleapitLastTimeAlive + TIME_BETWEEN_ALIVE_CHECK) ) {
    sendMessage = "STILL ALIVE?";
    homebase.print(sendMessage + "\n");
    fleapitLastTimeAlive = millis();

void setup(void) {
  // On (re)boot the system is set to ARMED !!!

void BlinkLed(const byte ledPin, const int blinks, const int delayTime) {
  // This function will blink the led connected to ledPin a blink times with a delay time of