Circuit Documentation
This document provides a detailed overview of a circuit designed to interface various components with an Arduino UNO microcontroller. The circuit includes a buzzer, a pushbutton, a GPS module (GPS NEO 6M), an accelerometer (AITrip ADXL335 GY-61), and a GSM module (GSM SIM900). The Arduino UNO serves as the central processing unit, controlling the inputs and outputs of the circuit. The circuit is designed to perform tasks that may include location tracking, motion sensing, and cellular communication, with user input capability via the pushbutton and audible feedback through the buzzer.
Component List
- Description: An electromechanical component that emits sound when energized.
- Pins: PIN, GND
- Description: A momentary switch that closes the circuit when pressed.
- Pins: Pin 3 (out), Pin 4 (out), Pin 1 (in), Pin 2 (in)
Arduino UNO
- Description: A microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P.
- Pins: UNUSED, IOREF, Reset, 3.3V, 5V, GND, Vin, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, SCL, SDA, AREF, D13, D12, D11, D10, D9, D8, D7, D6, D5, D4, D3, D2, D1, D0
- Description: A GPS module for satellite navigation and positioning.
- Pins: VCC, RX, TX, GND
AITrip ADXL335 GY-61
- Description: An accelerometer for measuring acceleration in three axes.
- Pins: GND, Z-Out, Y-Out, X-Out, VCC
- Description: A GSM/GPRS module for cellular communication.
- Pins: A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, A0, 5V, GND, 3.3V, RESET, D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, AREF
Wiring Details
- PIN connected to Arduino UNO D11
- GND connected to common ground
- Pin 4 (out) connected to GPS NEO 6M VCC, GSM SIM900 5V, Arduino UNO D12, and Arduino UNO 5V
- Pin 2 (in) connected to common ground
Arduino UNO
- 5V connected to Pushbutton Pin 4 (out)
- GND connected to common ground
- D11 connected to Buzzer PIN
- 3.3V connected to AITrip ADXL335 GY-61 VCC
- A0 connected to AITrip ADXL335 GY-61 X-Out
- A1 connected to AITrip ADXL335 GY-61 Y-Out
- A2 connected to AITrip ADXL335 GY-61 Z-Out
- D9 connected to GPS NEO 6M RX
- D8 connected to GPS NEO 6M TX
- D3 connected to GSM SIM900 D13
- D2 connected to GSM SIM900 D12
- VCC connected to Pushbutton Pin 4 (out)
- RX connected to Arduino UNO D9
- TX connected to Arduino UNO D8
- GND connected to common ground
AITrip ADXL335 GY-61
- VCC connected to Arduino UNO 3.3V
- X-Out connected to Arduino UNO A0
- Y-Out connected to Arduino UNO A1
- Z-Out connected to Arduino UNO A2
- GND connected to common ground
- 5V connected to Pushbutton Pin 4 (out)
- GND connected to common ground
- D13 connected to Arduino UNO D3
- D12 connected to Arduino UNO D2
Documented Code
Arduino UNO Code (sketch.ino)
void setup() {
void loop() {
Additional Notes
- The code provided for the Arduino UNO is a template with empty setup and loop functions. The actual functionality needs to be implemented based on the requirements of the circuit's application.
- The documentation file for the Arduino UNO code is empty and should be filled with relevant information as the code develops.
This concludes the documentation for the given circuit design. The wiring details and code documentation should provide a solid foundation for further development and implementation of the circuit's intended functions.