This circuit is designed to control a 4-channel relay module using an Arduino Nano and a FlySky receiver. The receiver channels CH4, CH5, and CH6 are used to control the relays connected to pins D5, D6, D7, and D8 of the Arduino Nano. CH4 controls a yellow LED, CH5 controls a green light, and CH6 controls a DC motor in forward and backward directions. The circuit also includes a DC power source and a DC-DC converter to manage power distribution.
* This Arduino Sketch controls a 4-channel relay module using an Arduino Nano
* and a FlySky receiver. The receiver channels CH4, CH5, and CH6 are used to
* control the relays connected to pins D5, D6, D7, and D8 of the Arduino Nano.
* CH4 controls a yellow LED, CH5 controls a green light, and CH6 controls a
* DC motor in forward and backward directions.
// Pin definitions
const int relay1Pin = 5; // Relay 1 connected to D5 (Yellow LED)
const int relay2Pin = 6; // Relay 2 connected to D6 (Green Light)
const int relay3Pin = 7; // Relay 3 connected to D7 (DC Motor)
const int relay4Pin = 8; // Relay 4 connected to D8 (DC Motor)
// Receiver channel pins
const int ch4Pin = 4; // CH4 connected to D4
const int ch5Pin = 3; // CH5 connected to D3
const int ch6Pin = 2; // CH6 connected to D2
void setup() {
// Initialize relay pins as outputs
pinMode(relay1Pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(relay2Pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(relay3Pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(relay4Pin, OUTPUT);
// Initialize receiver channel pins as inputs
pinMode(ch4Pin, INPUT);
pinMode(ch5Pin, INPUT);
pinMode(ch6Pin, INPUT);
void loop() {
// Read receiver channel values
int ch4Value = pulseIn(ch4Pin, HIGH);
int ch5Value = pulseIn(ch5Pin, HIGH);
int ch6Value = pulseIn(ch6Pin, HIGH);
// Control yellow LED based on CH4 input
if (ch4Value > 1500) {
digitalWrite(relay1Pin, HIGH); // Turn on yellow LED
} else {
digitalWrite(relay1Pin, LOW); // Turn off yellow LED
// Control green light based on CH5 input
if (ch5Value > 1500) {
digitalWrite(relay2Pin, HIGH); // Turn on green light
} else {
digitalWrite(relay2Pin, LOW); // Turn off green light
// Control motor direction based on CH6 input
if (ch6Value > 1500) {
// Forward direction
digitalWrite(relay3Pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(relay4Pin, LOW);
} else if (ch6Value < 1500) {
// Backward direction
digitalWrite(relay3Pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(relay4Pin, HIGH);
} else {
// Stop motor
digitalWrite(relay3Pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(relay4Pin, LOW);
This code initializes the relay pins as outputs and the receiver channel pins as inputs. It reads the values from the receiver channels and controls the relays accordingly to turn on/off the yellow LED, green light, and control the direction of the DC motor.