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Arduino UNO Controlled DC Motor with Pushbutton Activation and Seven Segment Display Feedback

Image of Arduino UNO Controlled DC Motor with Pushbutton Activation and Seven Segment Display Feedback

Circuit Documentation


This circuit incorporates a variety of components including an Arduino UNO microcontroller, pushbuttons, resistors, a DC motor, a seven-segment display, an L293D motor driver IC, and a 9V battery. The circuit is designed to interface with the Arduino UNO to control a DC motor and display information on a seven-segment display. The pushbuttons are used to provide input to the Arduino, which then processes these inputs to control the motor via the L293D driver. The resistors serve various purposes, including pull-up resistors for the pushbuttons and current-limiting resistors for the seven-segment display. The 9V battery powers the motor through the L293D motor driver.

Component List

Arduino UNO

  • Microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P
  • Features digital I/O pins, analog input pins, and various power pins


  • Momentary tactile switch
  • Used to provide user input to the circuit

Resistor (10k Ohms)

  • Passive component used to limit current or divide voltage
  • Commonly used as pull-up resistors in this circuit

Resistor (180 Ohms)

  • Passive component used to limit current through LEDs of the seven-segment display

DC Motor

  • Electric motor that runs on direct current (DC) electricity
  • Controlled by the L293D motor driver

Seven Segment Display (Wokwi Compatible)

  • Electronic display device for displaying decimal numerals
  • Driven by the Arduino UNO in this circuit

L293D Motor Driver IC

  • Quadruple high-current half-H driver
  • Used to control the direction and speed of the DC motor

9V Battery

  • Standard 9V battery used to provide power to the DC motor

Wiring Details

Arduino UNO

  • 5V and GND are used to power the seven-segment display and the L293D motor driver
  • Analog pins A0 to A2 and digital pins D2 to D13 are connected to the resistors and the L293D motor driver to control the seven-segment display and the DC motor


  • One side of each pushbutton is connected to a 10k Ohm resistor and the other side to the Arduino's digital pins D2 to D5
  • The common pin of all pushbuttons is connected to GND

Resistors (10k Ohms)

  • Connected between the pushbuttons and the Arduino's digital pins D2 to D5
  • Serve as pull-up resistors

Resistors (180 Ohms)

  • Connected between the seven-segment display segments and the Arduino's digital pins D10 to D13 and analog pins A0 to A2
  • Serve as current-limiting resistors for the display

DC Motor

  • Connected to the outputs of the L293D motor driver

Seven Segment Display (Wokwi Compatible)

  • Segments A to G and DP are connected to the Arduino through 180 Ohm resistors
  • COM.1 and COM.2 are connected to 5V

L293D Motor Driver IC

  • Enable 1,2 is connected to Arduino's digital pin D9
  • Input 1 and Input 2 are connected to Arduino's digital pins D6 and D7
  • Output 1 and Output 2 are connected to the DC motor
  • Vcc1 is connected to Arduino's 5V
  • Vcc2 and GND are connected to the 9V battery

9V Battery

  • + is connected to Vcc2 of the L293D motor driver
  • - is connected to GND of the L293D motor driver

Documented Code

Arduino UNO Code (sketch.ino)

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


Note: The provided code is a template and does not contain any functional code to control the circuit components. It needs to be populated with the appropriate setup and loop code to interact with the connected hardware.