The circuit is designed to automatically control the speed of a fan based on the ambient temperature measured by an LM35 temperature sensor. The temperature is displayed on a 0.96" OLED screen. The fan speed is controlled through a transistor acting as a switch, with a diode providing protection against back EMF. The Arduino UNO serves as the central processing unit, reading the temperature and adjusting the fan speed accordingly.
connected to the ground of the power supply, OLED GND, and LM35 GND5V
connected to OLED VDD and LM35 +VsA0
connected to LM35 VoutA4
(SDA) connected to OLED SDAA5
(SCL) connected to OLED SCKD9
connected to one end of the 1k Ohm resistor+Vs
connected to Arduino 5VVout
connected to Arduino A0GND
connected to Arduino GNDGND
connected to Arduino GNDVDD
connected to Arduino 5VSCK
connected to Arduino A5SDA
connected to Arduino A4collector
connected to the fan GND and diode Anodebase
connected to the other end of the 1k Ohm resistoremitter
connected to the ground of the power supplyGND
connected to the transistor collector and diode Anode5V
connected to the positive of the power supply and diode Cathode+
connected to the fan 5V and diode Cathode-
connected to the transistor emitterpin1
connected to Arduino D9pin2
connected to the transistor baseAnode
connected to the transistor collector and fan GNDCathode
connected to the fan 5V and power supply +/*
* Automatic Fan Speed Control
* This Arduino sketch reads temperature from an LM35 sensor and adjusts
* the speed of a fan accordingly. The temperature is displayed on an OLED
* screen. The fan is controlled via a transistor, with a diode for protection.
* Fan Speed Control:
* - < 25°C: Fan OFF
* - 26-29°C: Fan 50%
* - 30-35°C: Fan 75%
* - 36-40°C: Fan 100%
* - 41-45°C: Fan 125%
* - 46-50°C: Fan 150%
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 128
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 64
#define OLED_RESET -1
const int tempPin1 = A0; // LM35 Vout connected to A0
const int fanPin = 9; // Transistor base connected to D9
void setup() {
pinMode(fanPin, OUTPUT);
display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C);
void loop() {
int tempReading1 = analogRead(tempPin1);
float voltage1 = tempReading1 * (1.1 / 1023.0);
float temperatureC1 = voltage1 * 100.0;
int fanSpeed;
if (temperatureC1 < 25) {
fanSpeed = 0;
} else if (temperatureC1 <= 29) {
fanSpeed = 128;
} else if (temperatureC1 <= 35) {
fanSpeed = 192;
} else if (temperatureC1 <= 40) {
fanSpeed = 255;
} else if (temperatureC1 <= 45) {
fanSpeed = 318;
} else if (temperatureC1 <= 50) {
fanSpeed = 382;
} else {
fanSpeed = 0;
analogWrite(fanPin, fanSpeed);
display.setCursor(0, 0);
display.print("Temp1: ");
display.print(" C");
display.setCursor(0, 10);
display.print("Fan Speed: ");
This code is designed to be uploaded to an Arduino UNO microcontroller. It initializes the OLED display and sets up the temperature sensor and fan control pin. The loop
function reads the temperature, calculates the corresponding fan speed, and updates the display with the current temperature and fan speed. The fan speed is controlled by PWM on pin D9.