The circuit is designed to interface an Arduino 101 with various peripherals including an LCD screen, an RFID reader, a buzzer, a keypad, and two servomotors. The Arduino 101 serves as the central processing unit, controlling the input and output devices. The LCD screen is used for displaying information, the RFID reader for scanning RFID tags, the buzzer for audio feedback, the keypad for user input, and the servomotors for physical movement.
connected to LCD screen SCLA4/SDA
connected to LCD screen SDAGND
connected to LCD screen GND, RFID-RC522 GND, buzzer GNDD13/SCK
connected to RFID-RC522 SCKD12/MISO
connected to RFID-RC522 MISOD11 PWM/MOSI
connected to RFID-RC522 MOSID10 PWM/SS
connected to RFID-RC522 SDAD9 PWM
connected to RFID-RC522 RSTD8
connected to buzzer PIND7
connected to Servomotor SG90 (instance 1) SIGD6 PWM
connected to Servomotor SG90 (instance 2) SIGD5 PWM
to D2
connected to Keypad C4 to C1 respectively3V3
connected to RFID-RC522 VCC (3.3V)5V
connected to LCD screen VCCA0
to A3
connected to Keypad R1 to R4 respectivelySCL
connected to Arduino 101 A5/SCLSDA
connected to Arduino 101 A4/SDAVCC
connected to Arduino 101 5VGND
connected to Arduino 101 GNDR1
to R4
connected to Arduino 101 A0 to A3 respectivelyC1
to C4
connected to Arduino 101 D2 to D5 PWM respectivelyVCC (3.3V)
connected to Arduino 101 3V3RST
connected to Arduino 101 D9 PWMGND
connected to Arduino 101 GNDIRQ
not connectedMISO
connected to Arduino 101 D12/MISOMOSI
connected to Arduino 101 D11 PWM/MOSISCK
connected to Arduino 101 D13/SCKSDA
connected to Arduino 101 D10 PWM/SSSIG
of each servomotor connected to Arduino 101 D7 and D6 PWM respectivelyVCC
of each servomotor connected to Breadboard Power Module VCC (5V)GND
of each servomotor connected to Breadboard Power Module GNDVCC (5V)
connected to both Servomotor SG90 VCCGND
connected to both Servomotor SG90 GNDPIN
connected to Arduino 101 D8GND
connected to Arduino 101 GNDNo code has been provided for the microcontrollers in the circuit. The code would typically include initialization of the peripherals, the main control loop, and functions to handle input/output operations with the connected devices.