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Arduino Mega 2560 Controlled Robotic Vehicle with Bluetooth Interface and MPU-6050 Sensor Integration

Image of Arduino Mega 2560 Controlled Robotic Vehicle with Bluetooth Interface and MPU-6050 Sensor Integration

Circuit Documentation


This circuit integrates various components controlled by an Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller. It includes a motor driver (L298N) to control two MRB Planetary gearbox motors, an MPU-6050 sensor for motion tracking, and an HC-06 Bluetooth module for wireless communication. The circuit is designed to manage motor operations, read sensor data, and communicate wirelessly, likely for a robotics or automation project.

Component List

  • Arduino Mega 2560: A microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560, with numerous digital input/output pins, analog inputs, and a range of interfaces for various applications.
  • L298N DC Motor Driver: A module capable of driving two DC motors or one stepper motor, with built-in H-bridges for controlling the direction and speed of the motors.
  • MPU-6050: A motion tracking device that combines a 3-axis gyroscope and a 3-axis accelerometer on a single chip, used for sensing motion or orientation.
  • MRB Planetary Gearbox Motor: A DC motor with a gearbox for increased torque, used in applications requiring high precision and torque.
  • HC-06: A Bluetooth module that allows for wireless communication between devices, often used for remote control or data transfer.
  • Domino-8: A connector or breakout board used for interfacing or distributing connections.
  • conn9: A 9-pin connector used for making multiple electrical connections in a compact space.

Wiring Details

Arduino Mega 2560

  • 3V3 connected to Domino-8 pin 6
  • D21/SCL connected to Domino-8 pin 3
  • D20/SDA connected to Domino-8 pin 4
  • D19/RX1 connected to Domino-8 pin 8
  • D18/TX1 connected to Domino-8 pin 7
  • D2 PWM connected to Domino-8 pin 5
  • D4 PWM connected to L298N DC motor driver IN3
  • D5 PWM connected to L298N DC motor driver IN4
  • D6 PWM connected to L298N DC motor driver IN1
  • D7 PWM connected to L298N DC motor driver IN2
  • D11 PWM connected to L298N DC motor driver ENA
  • D12 PWM connected to L298N DC motor driver ENB

L298N DC Motor Driver

  • IN3 connected to Arduino Mega 2560 D4 PWM
  • IN4 connected to Arduino Mega 2560 D5 PWM
  • IN1 connected to Arduino Mega 2560 D6 PWM
  • IN2 connected to Arduino Mega 2560 D7 PWM
  • ENA connected to Arduino Mega 2560 D11 PWM
  • ENB connected to Arduino Mega 2560 D12 PWM
  • OUT1 connected to MRB Planetary gearbox motor -
  • OUT2 connected to MRB Planetary gearbox motor +
  • OUT3 connected to MRB Planetary gearbox motor -
  • OUT4 connected to MRB Planetary gearbox motor +


  • VCC connected to conn9 pin 7 and Domino-8 pin 6
  • GND connected to conn9 pin 2 and Domino-8 pin 1
  • SCL connected to conn9 pin 3 and Domino-8 pin 3
  • SDA connected to conn9 pin 4 and Domino-8 pin 4
  • INT connected to conn9 pin 6 and Domino-8 pin 5

MRB Planetary Gearbox Motor

  • + connected to L298N DC motor driver OUT2 and OUT4
  • - connected to L298N DC motor driver OUT1 and OUT3


  • RXD connected to conn9 pin 9 and Domino-8 pin 8
  • TXD connected to conn9 pin 8 and Domino-8 pin 7
  • GND connected to conn9 pin 2 and Domino-8 pin 1
  • VCC connected to conn9 pin 1 and Domino-8 pin 2

Documented Code

Arduino Mega 2560

File: sketch.ino

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


File: documentation.txt

(No additional documentation provided for the code)

This concludes the documentation for the provided circuit. The wiring details and code snippets should assist in understanding the circuit's design and functionality.