Circuit Documentation
This circuit involves an Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller interfacing with various components including stepper motors, an I2C LCD, an RFID reader, a membrane keypad, and ULN 2003 motor drivers. The circuit is designed to control multiple stepper motors, display information on an LCD, read RFID tags, and accept input from a keypad.
Component List
Arduino Mega 2560
- Description: A microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560.
- Pins: IOREF, RESET, 3V3, 5V, GND, VIN, A0-A15, D0-D53, AREF, SDA, SCL
28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor
- Description: A small, inexpensive stepper motor.
Connector 5V
- Description: A connector providing 5V power.
- Pins: GND, VCC
16x2 I2C LCD
- Description: A 16x2 character LCD with I2C interface.
- Pins: GND, VCC, SDA, SCL
- Description: An RFID reader module.
4X4 Membrane Matrix Keypad
- Description: A 4x4 matrix keypad.
- Pins: R1, R2, R3, R4, C1, C2, C3, C4
ULN 2003
- Description: A Darlington transistor array used to drive the stepper motors.
- Pins: IN1-IN7, GND, +, COIL1-COIL5
Wiring Details
Arduino Mega 2560
- 5V to 16x2 I2C LCD VCC
- 3V3 to RFID-RC522 VCC (3.3V)
- GND to 16x2 I2C LCD GND
- D21/SCL to 16x2 I2C LCD SCL
- D20/SDA to 16x2 I2C LCD SDA
- D2 PWM to 4X4 Membrane Matrix Keypad R1
- D3 PWM to 4X4 Membrane Matrix Keypad R2
- D4 PWM to 4X4 Membrane Matrix Keypad R3
- D5 PWM to 4X4 Membrane Matrix Keypad R4
- D6 PWM to 4X4 Membrane Matrix Keypad C1
- D7 PWM to 4X4 Membrane Matrix Keypad C2
- D8 PWM to 4X4 Membrane Matrix Keypad C3
- D9 PWM to 4X4 Membrane Matrix Keypad C4
- D52 to RFID-RC522 SDA
- D50 to RFID-RC522 SCK
- D53 to RFID-RC522 MOSI
- D51 to RFID-RC522 MISO
- D44 to ULN 2003 IN4
- D42 to ULN 2003 IN3
- D40 to ULN 2003 IN2
- D38 to ULN 2003 IN1
- D30 to ULN 2003 IN4
- D28 to ULN 2003 IN3
- D26 to ULN 2003 IN2
- D24 to ULN 2003 IN1
- D45 to ULN 2003 IN4
- D43 to ULN 2003 IN3
- D41 to ULN 2003 IN3
- D39 to ULN 2003 IN2
- D37 to ULN 2003 IN1
- D31 to ULN 2003 IN4
- D29 to ULN 2003 IN3
- D27 to ULN 2003 IN2
- D25 to ULN 2003 IN1
28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor
- BLUE to ULN 2003 COIL1
- PINK to ULN 2003 COIL2
- YELLOW to ULN 2003 COIL3
- ORANGE to ULN 2003 COIL4
- RED to ULN 2003 COIL5
Connector 5V
- VCC to ULN 2003 +
- GND to ULN 2003 GND
16x2 I2C LCD
- VCC to Arduino Mega 2560 5V
- GND to Arduino Mega 2560 GND
- SCL to Arduino Mega 2560 D21/SCL
- SDA to Arduino Mega 2560 D20/SDA
- VCC (3.3V) to Arduino Mega 2560 3V3
- GND to Arduino Mega 2560 GND
- SDA to Arduino Mega 2560 D52
- SCK to Arduino Mega 2560 D50
- MOSI to Arduino Mega 2560 D53
- MISO to Arduino Mega 2560 D51
4X4 Membrane Matrix Keypad
- R1 to Arduino Mega 2560 D2 PWM
- R2 to Arduino Mega 2560 D3 PWM
- R3 to Arduino Mega 2560 D4 PWM
- R4 to Arduino Mega 2560 D5 PWM
- C1 to Arduino Mega 2560 D6 PWM
- C2 to Arduino Mega 2560 D7 PWM
- C3 to Arduino Mega 2560 D8 PWM
- C4 to Arduino Mega 2560 D9 PWM
ULN 2003
- + to Connector 5V VCC
- GND to Connector 5V GND
- IN1 to Arduino Mega 2560 D38, D24, D37, D25
- IN2 to Arduino Mega 2560 D40, D26, D39, D27
- IN3 to Arduino Mega 2560 D42, D28, D43, D29
- IN4 to Arduino Mega 2560 D44, D30, D45, D31
- COIL1 to 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor BLUE
- COIL2 to 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor PINK
- COIL3 to 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor YELLOW
- COIL4 to 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor ORANGE
- COIL5 to 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor RED
Code Documentation
Arduino Mega 2560 Code
void setup() {
void loop() {
This documentation provides a comprehensive overview of the circuit, including a summary, detailed component list, wiring details, and the code used in the Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller.