This circuit is designed to control a motorized system using an ESP32 microcontroller, a TB6612FNG motor driver, and various sensors and actuators. The system includes two photosensitive sensor modules for light intensity detection, a 0.96" OLED display for visual feedback, a DC Mini Metal Gear Motor for movement, and a laser controlled by a MOSFET. The circuit is powered by a 12V battery, regulated down to 3.3V using a Mini-360 DC-DC Step Down Buck Converter. The ESP32 microcontroller is programmed to handle motor control, sensor readings, and display updates.
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Ps3Controller.h>
// Define OLED display width and height
#define OLED_WIDTH 128
#define OLED_HEIGHT 64
// Define the I2C address for the OLED display
#define OLED_ADDR 0x3C
// Create display object
Adafruit_SSD1306 display(OLED_WIDTH, OLED_HEIGHT, &Wire, -1); // -1 for no reset pin
// Pin definitions
#define PHOTORESISTOR_1_PIN 14 // Pin for first LM393 module
#define PHOTORESISTOR_2_PIN 16 // Pin for second LM393 module
#define LASER_PIN 18 // Define GPIO pin for laser control
// Define motor driver pins
#define PWMA_PIN 23
#define AIN2_PIN 19
#define AIN1_PIN 5
#define PWMB_PIN 15
#define BIN2_PIN 2
#define BIN1_PIN 4
// Define PWM Parameters
const int motorFreq = 1000;
const int motorResolution = 8;
// Define channels for each motor
const int motorAChannel = 3;
const int motorBChannel = 4;
// Fixed speed for movement and turning
const int moveSpeed = 200; // Adjust this value for desired movement speed
const int turnSpeed = 180; // Adjust this value for desired turning speed
// Variables for game state
int val1;
int val2;
int score = 0;
unsigned long lastScoreTime = 0; // Tracks the last time the score was incremented
const unsigned long untouchableTime = 2000; // 2 seconds of untouchable time
// Variables for laser control
bool laserOn = false; // Laser state (idle by default)
unsigned long laserOffTime = 0; // Tracks the time to return to idle state
const unsigned long laserFullPowerTime = 2000; // Laser stays at full power for 2 seconds
// Motor movement function
void moveMotors(int mtrAspeed, int mtrBspeed, bool mtrdir) {
// Set direction pins
if (!mtrdir) {
// Move in reverse
digitalWrite(AIN1_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(AIN2_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(BIN1_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(BIN2_PIN, LOW);
} else {
// Move forward
digitalWrite(AIN1_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(AIN2_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(BIN1_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(BIN2_PIN, HIGH);
// Drive motors with PWM
ledcWrite(motorAChannel, mtrAspeed);
ledcWrite(motorBChannel, mtrBspeed);
// PS3 controller callback function to handle D-pad inputs and shooting
void notify() {
// Detect D-pad inputs for movement
if ( {
// Move forward
moveMotors(moveSpeed, moveSpeed, true);
Serial.println("Moving forward");
} else if ( {
// Move backward
moveMotors(moveSpeed, moveSpeed, false);
Serial.println("Moving backward");
} else if ( {
// Turn left (motor B runs faster, motor A runs slower/reverse)
moveMotors(0, moveSpeed, true);
Serial.println("Turning left");
} else if ( {
// Turn right (motor A runs faster, motor B runs slower