This circuit is designed to control a pair of DC Mini Metal Gear Motors using an L298N DC motor driver, with an Arduino Nano as the microcontroller. The system is powered by a 7.4V power source. An HC-05 Bluetooth Module is included for wireless communication, likely for remote control purposes. Additionally, a 5 channel IR array is connected to the Arduino Nano for sensor input, which could be used for line tracking or obstacle detection.
to Arduino Nano VIN, HC-05 Bluetooth Module VCC, 5 channel IR array VCC-
to Arduino Nano GND, HC-05 Bluetooth Module GND, 5 channel IR array GND, L298N DC motor driver GNDOUT1
to DC Mini Metal Gear Motor IN2OUT2
to DC Mini Metal Gear Motor IN1OUT3
to DC Mini Metal Gear Motor IN2OUT4
to DC Mini Metal Gear Motor IN1A5
to Arduino Nano A0A4
to Arduino Nano A1A3
to Arduino Nano A2A2
to Arduino Nano A3A1
to Arduino Nano A4VCC
to 7.4v +GND
to 7.4v -VIN
to 7.4v +GND
to 7.4v -A0
to 5 channel IR array A5A1
to 5 channel IR array A4A2
to 5 channel IR array A3A3
to 5 channel IR array A2A4
to 5 channel IR array A1D1/TX
to HC-05 Bluetooth Module RXDD0/RX
to HC-05 Bluetooth Module TXDIN1
to L298N DC motor driver OUT2/OUT4IN2
to L298N DC motor driver OUT1/OUT3VCC
to 7.4v +GND
to 7.4v -TXD
to Arduino Nano D0/RXRXD
to Arduino Nano D1/TXvoid setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
Note: The provided code is a template and does not contain any functional logic. It needs to be populated with the specific setup and loop instructions to control the motors and read sensor data.