This circuit is designed to control a bipolar stepper motor using an Arduino UNO microcontroller and a stepper driver. The circuit also includes multiple LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) modules to sense light intensity, which may be used to guide the stepper motor's movements. A 12V battery powers the stepper driver, while the Arduino UNO is powered by its 5V pin. The Arduino UNO reads the analog values from the LDR modules and controls the stepper motor's direction and steps through the stepper driver.
// Define pin connections to TB6600 driver
const int stepPin = 9; // Pulse pin
const int dirPin = 8; // Direction pin
const int enablePin = 7; // Enable pin
// Define pins for LDR sensors
const int LDRTopLeft = A0; // LDR 1 (Top-Left)
const int LDRTopRight = A1; // LDR 2 (Top-Right)
const int LDRBottomLeft = A2; // LDR 3 (Bottom-Left)
const int LDRBottomRight = A3; // LDR 4 (Bottom-Right)
// Optional: Define pins for limit switches
const int limitSwitch1 = 2; // Limit switch for 0 degrees
const int limitSwitch2 = 3; // Limit switch for 180 degrees
// Threshold to determine when the light is balanced
const int threshold = 50; // Adjust this value based on sensor sensitivity
// Steps per revolution (adjust based on your stepper motor)
const int stepsPerRevolution = 200; // Nema 17 (200 steps per 360°)
const int microsteps = 16; // Microstepping setting on TB6600
const int stepsPerDegree = (stepsPerRevolution * microsteps) / 360;
void setup() {
// Set pins as outputs
pinMode(stepPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(dirPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(enablePin, OUTPUT);
// Optional: Set up limit switches
pinMode(limitSwitch1, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(limitSwitch2, INPUT_PULLUP);
// Enable the motor
digitalWrite(enablePin, LOW); // LOW = motor enabled, HIGH = motor disabled
Serial.begin(9600); // Debugging output
void loop() {
// Read values from the LDR sensors
int topLeftValue = analogRead(LDRTopLeft);
int topRightValue = analogRead(LDRTopRight);
int bottomLeftValue = analogRead(LDRBottomLeft);
int bottomRightValue = analogRead(LDRBottomRight);
// Calculate the averages for top and bottom, left and right
int topAverage = (topLeftValue + topRightValue) / 2;
int bottomAverage = (bottomLeftValue + bottomRightValue) / 2;
int leftAverage = (topLeftValue + bottomLeftValue) / 2;
int rightAverage = (topRightValue + bottomRightValue) / 2;
// Check if the panel needs to move horizontally (left or right)
if (abs(leftAverage - rightAverage) > threshold) {
if (leftAverage > rightAverage) {
// Rotate left
} else {
// Rotate right
// Check if the panel needs to move vertically (up or down)
if (abs(topAverage - bottomAverage) > threshold) {
if (topAverage > bottomAverage) {
// Rotate up
} else {
// Rotate down
delay(1000); // Delay to avoid rapid motor movements
// Function to rotate the panel
void rotatePanel(char direction) {
// Set direction based on input
if (direction == 'L') {
Serial.println("Rotating Left");
digitalWrite(dirPin, LOW); // Clockwise
} else if (direction == 'R') {
Serial.println("Rotating Right");
digitalWrite(dirPin, HIGH); // Counterclockwise
} else if (direction == 'U') {
Serial.println("Rotating Up");
digitalWrite(dirPin, LOW); // Clockwise (depends on motor axis setup)
} else if (direction == 'D') {
Serial.println("Rotating Down");
digitalWrite(dirPin, HIGH); // Counterclockwise (depends on motor axis setup)
// Rotate motor for a small step
for (int i = 0; i < 10 * stepsPerDegree; i++) {
digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);
// Optional: Use limit switches to stop at end points
if (digitalRead(limitSwitch1) == LOW && direction == 'L') {
// If the limit switch for 0 degrees is pressed, stop movement
if (digitalRead(limitSwitch2) == LOW && direction == 'R') {
// If the limit switch for 180 degrees is pressed, stop movement
This code is designed to be uploaded to an Arduino UNO microcontroller. It includes the setup of input and output pins, reading from LDR sensors, and controlling a stepper motor through a driver based on the sensor readings. The code also contains a function to rotate the panel in a specified direction and includes optional code for limit switches to prevent over-rotation.