This circuit is designed to display lyrics on an LCD screen and flash LEDs in response to sound levels detected by a microphone sensor. The circuit uses an Arduino UNO microcontroller to control the components, which include a KY-038 microphone sensor, an LCD screen, and multiple LEDs with resistors.
KY-038 Microphone Sensor
LCD Screen 16x2 I2C
Arduino UNO
LED: Two Pin (Red)
LED: Two Pin (Green)
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
// Pin definitions
int soundPin = A0;
int LED1 = 3;
int LED2 = 4;
int LED3 = 5;
int LED4 = 6;
int LED5 = 7;
int LED6 = 8;
int LED7 = 9;
int LED8 = 10;
// LCD setup (I2C address 0x27, 16 columns, 2 rows)
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);
// Full lyrics of "Roses" by The Chainsmokers (with manual timing)
const String lyrics[] = {
"BSINFO2E PROJECT", //line 1
"Taking it slow", //line 2
"but its not typical", //line 3
"He already knows that my love is", //line 4
"fire", //line 5
"His heart was a stone", //line 6
"but then his hands roamed", //line 7
"I turned him to gold ", // line 8
"and took him higher", //line 9
"Well, I'll be your daydream,", //line 10
"I'll be your favorite things", //line 11
"We could be beautiful", //line 12
"Get drunk on the good life", //line 13
"I'll take you to paradise", //line 14
"Say you'll never let me go", //line 15