The circuit in question appears to be a control system that utilizes an ESP32 microcontroller to interface with various sensors and actuators. The system includes water level and temperature sensors, a pH sensor, two 18650 Li-Ion batteries for power, a motor driver to control water pumps and a fan, and a rocker switch for power control. The ESP32 reads sensor data and controls the actuators accordingly. This could be part of an automated plant watering system or an aquarium control system, where maintaining water levels, temperature, and pH balance is crucial.
connected to Water Level Sensor signal pin.D32
connected to pH4502C Po pin.D25
, D27
connected to L298N DC motor driver IN3 and IN1 respectively.D14
, D12
connected to L298N DC motor driver ENA and ENB respectively.D4
connected to Module DS18B20 DAT pin.5V
connected to pH4502C VCC, L298N DC motor driver 5V, and Module DS18B20 VCC.3.3V
connected to Water Level Sensor VCC.G
connected to pH4502C G1, Module DS18B20 GND, Water Level Sensor GND, and L298N DC motor driver GND (through Rocker Switch).SIG
connected to ESP32 D34.VCC
connected to ESP32 3.3V.GND
connected to ESP32 G.Positive pin
of both pumps connected to L298N DC motor driver OUT1.Negative pin
of both pumps connected to L298N DC motor driver OUT2.Positive
of one battery connected to L298N DC motor driver 12V.Negative
of one battery connected to Positive
of the other battery.Negative
of the other battery connected to Rocker Switch.Temp GND Black
connected to Module DS18B20 GND.Temp VDD Red
connected to Module DS18B20 VCC.Temp DQ Data Yellow
connected to Module DS18B20 DAT.DAT
connected to ESP32 D4.VCC
connected to ESP32 3.3V.GND
connected to ESP32 G.1
connected to the negative terminal of the second 18650 Li-Ion battery.2
connected to L298N DC motor driver GND and ESP32 G.IN3
, IN1
connected to ESP32 D25 and D27 respectively.ENA
connected to ESP32 D14 and D12 respectively.5V
connected to ESP32 5V.OUT1
, OUT2
connected to the positive and negative pins of the 5v mini water pumps respectively.OUT3
, OUT4
connected to the 5V and GND pins of the Fan.12V
connected to the positive terminal of one 18650 Li-Ion battery.GND
connected to Rocker Switch and ESP32 G.5V
connected to L298N DC motor driver OUT3.GND
connected to L298N DC motor driver OUT4.VCC
connected to ESP32 5V.G1
connected to ESP32 G.Po
connected to ESP32 D32.No code was provided for the microcontrollers in the circuit. The documentation of the code would typically include a description of the functionality implemented, the setup and loop functions for an Arduino-based microcontroller like the ESP32, and any functions or libraries used to interface with the sensors and actuators. Since no code is available, this section cannot be completed.