This circuit integrates various sensors, actuators, and microcontrollers to perform a range of functions. The core of the circuit is based on the ESP32 microcontroller, which is responsible for handling inputs from sensors like the photoresistor (LDR), HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors, and capacitive and inductive proximity sensors. It also controls actuators such as servos and interfaces with an LCD display via I2C communication. An ESP-8266 controller is also included, which interacts with additional HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors and a piezo speaker. Power regulation is managed by a 3.3V regulator and a 5V DC source. The circuit is designed to be versatile, catering to various sensing and control applications.
connected to Photoresistor Sensor AO pinG32
connected to HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor TRIG pinG25
connected to Servo PWM pinG26
connected to another Servo PWM pinG27
connected to HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor ECHO pin5V
connected to various VCC pins of sensors and actuatorsGND
connected to various GND pins of sensors and actuatorsG22
connected to LCD Display SCL pinG21
connected to LCD Display SDA pinG17
connected to a Resistor pin2G16
connected to another Resistor pin2VCC
connected to 5V power supplyGND
connected to groundAO
connected to ESP32 G34 pinTRIG
connected to ESP32 G32 pinECHO
connected to ESP32 G27 pinVCC
connected to 5V power supplyGND
connected to groundPWM
connected to ESP32 G25 or G26 pinVCC
connected to 5V power supplyGND
connected to groundSCL
connected to ESP32 G22 pinSDA
connected to ESP32 G21 pinVCC
connected to 3.3V regulator outputGND
connected to groundpin1
connected to Capacitive or Inductive Proximity Sensor VO (BLU) pinpin2
connected to ESP32 G17 or G16 pinVO (BLU)
connected to a Resistor pin1VI (BRN)
connected to 5V power supplySIG (BLK)
connected to a Resistor pin1VO (BLU)
connected to a Resistor pin1VI (BRN)
connected to 5V power supplySIG (BLK)
connected to a Resistor pin1GND
connected to groundOUT
connected to various VCC pins of sensors and actuatorsVin
connected to 5V power supplyD1
to D8
connected to various TRIG and ECHO pins of HC-SR04 Ultrasonic SensorsRX
connected to HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor ECHO pin3V3
connected to HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor VCC pinGND
connected to groundpin1
connected to groundpin2
connected to ESP-8266 Controller D5 pinNo code was provided for the microcontrollers in the circuit. To fully document the circuit, the embedded code for the ESP32 and ESP-8266 controllers would be required. This code would typically initialize the hardware peripherals, manage sensor readings, control actuators, and handle communication protocols.