This circuit is designed to control a set of DC motors using an Arduino UNO microcontroller and an L298N DC motor driver. It also includes an NRF24L01 module for wireless communication. The power supply for the motor driver is provided by a 18650 Li-Ion battery, and the Arduino UNO is powered by a separate 18650 battery holder. The circuit is intended for applications where remote control of motors is required, such as robotics or automated systems.
connected to NRF24L01 VCC (3V)5V
connected to 18650 battery holder VCCGND
connected to 18650 battery holder GND and NRF24L01 GNDD13
connected to NRF24L01 SCKD12
connected to NRF24L01 MISOD11
connected to NRF24L01 MOSID8
connected to NRF24L01 CSND7
connected to NRF24L01 CED5
connected to L298N DC motor driver IN4D4
connected to L298N DC motor driver IN3D3
connected to L298N DC motor driver IN2D2
connected to L298N DC motor driver IN1OUT1
connected to two DC Motors (pin 1)OUT2
connected to the same two DC Motors (pin 2)OUT3
connected to another two DC Motors (pin 1)OUT4
connected to the same two DC Motors (pin 2)12V
connected to 18650 Li-Ion battery PositiveGND
connected to 18650 Li-Ion battery NegativeVCC (3V)
connected to Arduino UNO 3.3VGND
connected to Arduino UNO GNDCE
connected to Arduino UNO D7CSN
connected to Arduino UNO D8SCK
connected to Arduino UNO D13MISO
connected to Arduino UNO D12MOSI
connected to Arduino UNO D11Positive
connected to L298N DC motor driver 12VNegative
connected to L298N DC motor driver GNDVCC
connected to Arduino UNO 5VGND
connected to Arduino UNO GNDvoid setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
The provided code is a template with empty setup and loop functions. The setup function is intended to initialize settings, while the loop function will contain the main logic that the Arduino will execute repeatedly. Specific functionality needs to be implemented based on the requirements of the application.