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Arduino Nano-Based Anti-Sleep Driver Alert System with RF Communication

Image of Arduino Nano-Based Anti-Sleep Driver Alert System with RF Communication

Circuit Documentation

Summary of the Circuit

The circuit is designed for an anti-sleep system intended to prevent a driver from falling asleep at the wheel. It utilizes an Arduino Nano as the central microcontroller to process signals from an IR sensor that detects if the driver's eyes are closed. Upon detection, the system activates a buzzer and a vibration motor to alert the driver. Additionally, it sends a signal through a 433 MHz RF transmitter to communicate with the vehicle's system, potentially to slow down the car. The circuit is powered by two separate 5V batteries, each connected to different components through rocker switches.

Component List

Arduino Nano

  • Microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P
  • Features digital and analog I/O pins
  • Can be powered via USB or an external power source

IR Sensor

  • Detects proximity or the presence of an object
  • Typically used for obstacle detection or motion sensing


  • An electromechanical component that produces sound
  • Used as an audible alert or alarm

Vibration Motor

  • A small motor that generates vibration when powered
  • Used to provide haptic feedback

Transmitter RF Module

  • A wireless communication module operating at 433 MHz
  • Used to send signals over short distances

5V Battery

  • Provides power to the circuit
  • Two instances are used to power different sections of the circuit

433 MHz RF Receiver Module

  • Receives signals transmitted by the RF transmitter module
  • Operates at the same frequency of 433 MHz

Rocker Switch

  • A simple on/off switch
  • Two instances are used to control power flow to different parts of the circuit

DC Motor

  • Converts electrical energy into mechanical rotation
  • Used for various actuation purposes in the circuit

Bar02 Pressure/Depth Sensor

  • Measures pressure and can be used to determine depth underwater
  • Utilizes I2C communication for interfacing with microcontrollers

Wiring Details

Arduino Nano

  • GND connected to the rocker switch (common ground)
  • 5V connected to the 5V battery (power supply)
  • A0 connected to the IR sensor (signal input)
  • D13/SCK connected to the buzzer, vibration motor, and RF transmitter module (signal output)

IR Sensor

  • vcc connected to the 5V battery (power supply)
  • out connected to Arduino Nano pin A0 (signal output)
  • gnd connected to common ground


  • PIN connected to Arduino Nano pin D13/SCK (signal input)
  • GND connected to common ground

Vibration Motor

  • + connected to Arduino Nano pin D13/SCK (power supply)
  • - connected to common ground

Transmitter RF Module

  • DATA connected to Arduino Nano pin D13/SCK (signal input)
  • VCC connected to the 5V battery (power supply)
  • GND connected to common ground

5V Battery

  • positive connected to various components for power supply
  • negative connected to common ground through rocker switches

433 MHz RF Receiver Module

  • VCC connected to the 5V battery (power supply)
  • DATA connected to the DC motor (signal output)
  • GND connected to common ground

Rocker Switch

  • output connected to common ground
  • input connected to the negative terminal of the 5V batteries

DC Motor

  • pin 1 connected to the 433 MHz RF receiver module (power supply)
  • pin 2 connected to common ground through a rocker switch

Bar02 Pressure/Depth Sensor

  • Not connected in the provided net list

Documented Code

 * Anti-Sleep Project
 * This Arduino Sketch reads the value from an IR sensor connected to pin A0.
 * If the sensor detects closed eyes, it activates a buzzer and a vibration
 * motor connected to pin D13. It also sends a signal via the 433 MHz RF
 * transmitter to slow down the car.

#define SENSE A0
#define BUZZER_PIN 13
#define VIBRATOR_PIN 13

void setup() {
  pinMode(SENSE, INPUT);

void loop() {
  if (digitalRead(SENSE) == HIGH) {
    digitalWrite(BUZZER_PIN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(VIBRATOR_PIN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(RF_TRANSMITTER_PIN, HIGH);
  } else {
    digitalWrite(BUZZER_PIN, LOW);
    digitalWrite(VIBRATOR_PIN, LOW);
    digitalWrite(RF_TRANSMITTER_PIN, LOW);

The code is written for the Arduino Nano and is responsible for reading the IR sensor's output, activating the buzzer and vibration motor, and sending a signal through the RF transmitter. The SENSE pin is set to read the IR sensor's output, and the BUZZER_PIN, VIBRATOR_PIN, and RF_TRANSMITTER_PIN are set to control the buzzer, vibration motor, and RF transmitter, respectively. The loop function checks the sensor's output and activates the alert systems accordingly.