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Ghostbusters Trap Simulation with Arduino Mega and Adafruit Modules

Image of Ghostbusters Trap Simulation with Arduino Mega and Adafruit Modules

Circuit Documentation


The circuit is designed to simulate a ghost trap from the movie Ghostbusters. It features a variety of components including servos, LEDs, a bargraph, a haptic motor, a DC motor, and a water pump to create an effect of a ghost being trapped and the trap experiencing an electrical failure. The sequence can be activated by a Bluetooth input or an encoder knob switch. The encoder knob also controls the volume. The circuit is controlled by an Arduino Mega ADK microcontroller.

Component List

  • Adafruit 16-Channel 12-bit PWM Servo Driver - I2C: Used to drive multiple PWM servos.
  • Adafruit DRV2605L: A haptic controller for vibration motors.
  • Vibration Motor: Provides haptic feedback.
  • Servo: Actuators for moving parts of the trap.
  • Adafruit PowerBoost 1000C: A power supply module for battery charging and 5V regulation.
  • Mosfet: Used to switch higher current loads with a microcontroller.
  • 5v mini water pump: Simulates the effect of the ghost being trapped.
  • Lamp Red: Provides visual indication.
  • Adafruit Bi-Color 24-Bar Bargraph w/ I2C Backpack: Displays visual information.
  • LED: Two Pin (red): Simple indicator LED.
  • Resistor: Used for current limiting and pull-up/down resistors.
  • Rotary Encoder: Provides user input for control and volume adjustment.
  • DC Motor: Used to simulate mechanical movements.
  • Diode: Prevents back EMF from the DC motor.
  • NPN Transistor (EBC): Used as a switch for controlling various components.
  • Speaker: Outputs audio signals.
  • Adafruit Music Maker Shield with Amp: Handles audio playback and amplification.
  • Adafruit Bluefruit LE UART Friend: Provides Bluetooth connectivity.
  • 2Pin Push Switch: A simple push button switch.
  • 1 Watt LED Cool White w/ Heatsink: High-power LEDs for bright visual effects.
  • Arduino Mega ADK (Rev3): The main microcontroller board that controls the circuit.
  • 2000mAh Battery: Provides power to the circuit.
  • Terminal Block: Used for making easy connections to the board.
  • Toggle Switch SPST: A single-pole single-throw switch for power control.
  • AMS1117 3.3: A voltage regulator for providing 3.3V.

Wiring Details

Adafruit 16-Channel 12-bit PWM Servo Driver - I2C

  • 5.0V and VCC connected to 5V power supply.
  • SDA and SCL connected to I2C bus (Arduino Mega ADK).
  • OE not connected.
  • GND connected to ground.
  • PWM0 to PWM15 connected to servos and other PWM devices.

Adafruit DRV2605L

  • VIN connected to 5V power supply.
  • GND connected to ground.
  • SCL and SDA connected to I2C bus (Arduino Mega ADK).
  • IN/TRIG connected to digital pin D31 (Arduino Mega ADK).
  • OUT+ and OUT- connected to Vibration Motor.

Vibration Motor

  • POS connected to OUT+ on Adafruit DRV2605L.
  • NEG connected to OUT- on Adafruit DRV2605L.


  • GND connected to ground.
  • VCC connected to 5V power supply.
  • PWM connected to PWM output from Adafruit 16-Channel PWM Servo Driver.

Adafruit PowerBoost 1000C

  • GND connected to ground.
  • 5.0V connected to 5V power supply.
  • VBUS and VLIPO connected to 2000mAh Battery.
  • ENABLE connected to Toggle Switch SPST.


  • Gate connected to digital pin D28 (Arduino Mega ADK).
  • Drain connected to 5v mini water pump and NPN Transistor (EBC).
  • Source connected to ground.

5v mini water pump

  • positive pin connected to Mosfet.
  • negative pin connected to ground.

Lamp Red

  • + connected to digital pin D27 (Arduino Mega ADK).
  • - connected to ground through a resistor.

Adafruit Bi-Color 24-Bar Bargraph w/ I2C Backpack

  • VDD connected to 5V power supply.
  • GND connected to ground.
  • SDA and SCL connected to I2C bus (Arduino Mega ADK).

LED: Two Pin (red)

  • cathode connected to ground through a resistor.
  • anode connected to digital pin D26 (Arduino Mega ADK).


  • Connected in series with LEDs and other components for current limiting.

Rotary Encoder

  • clk and dt connected to digital pins A0 and A1 (Arduino Mega ADK).
  • sw connected to digital pin A2 (Arduino Mega ADK).
  • gnd connected to ground.
  • + connected to 5V power supply.

DC Motor

  • One pin connected to NPN Transistor (EBC) collector.
  • Other pin connected to ground through a diode.


  • cathode connected to DC Motor.
  • anode connected to NPN Transistor (EBC) collector.

NPN Transistor (EBC)

  • emitter connected to ground.
  • base connected to digital pins D22, D23, D25 (Arduino Mega ADK) through resistors.
  • collector connected to various components like DC Motor, Diode, and LEDs.


  • + and - connected to Adafruit Music Maker Shield with Amp.

Adafruit Music Maker Shield with Amp

  • Connected to Arduino Mega ADK through ICSP and digital pins for control and data transfer.

Adafruit Bluefruit LE UART Friend

  • MODE, CTS, TXO, RXI, VIN, RTS, GND, DFU connected to corresponding pins on Arduino Mega ADK for Bluetooth communication.

2Pin Push Switch

  • Input + connected to digital pin A15 (Arduino Mega ADK).
  • Output + connected to ground.

1 Watt LED Cool White w/ Heatsink

  • Positive connected to 5V power supply.
  • Negative connected to ground through NPN Transistor (EBC) and resistors.

Arduino Mega ADK (Rev3)

  • Various digital and analog pins connected to components as described above.
  • 5V and GND used to power components and provide ground reference.
  • VIN connected to 5V power supply.

2000mAh Battery

  • VCC connected to Adafruit PowerBoost 1000C.
  • GND connected to ground.

Terminal Block

  • Used for organizing connections to various components.

Toggle Switch SPST

  • L1 connected to Adafruit PowerBoost 1000C ENABLE.
  • COM connected to ground.

AMS1117 3.3

  • VIN connected to 5V power supply.
  • OUT connected to 3.3V components.
  • GND connected to ground.

Documented Code

 * Ghostbusters Trap Simulation
 * This code simulates a ghost trap from the movie Ghostbusters.
 * It controls servos, LEDs, a bargraph, a haptic motor, a DC motor,
 * and a water pump to create an effect of a ghost being trapped
 * and the trap experiencing an electrical failure.
 * The sequence can be activated by a Bluetooth input or the encoder knob switch.
 * The encoder knob also controls the volume.

#include <Adafruit_PWMServoDriver.h>
#include <Adafruit_VS1053.h>
#include <Adafruit_LEDBackpack.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Servo.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

#define LED_D26 26
#define LED_D27 27
#define LED_D22 22
#define LED_D23 23
#define LED_D25 25
#define SWITCH_PIN 31
#define HAPTIC_PIN 20
#define DC_MOTOR_PIN 29
#define PUMP_PIN 28
#define ENCODER_SW_PIN 48
#define ENCODER_CLK_PIN 49
#define ENCODER_DT_PIN 46
#define BLUETOOTH_RX 18
#define BLUETOOTH_TX 19

Adafruit_PWMServoDriver pwm = Adafruit_PWMServoDriver();
Adafruit_VS1053_FilePlayer musicPlayer = Adafruit_VS1053_FilePlayer();
Adafruit_24bargraph bargraph = Adafruit_24bargraph();
Servo leftServo;
Servo rightServo;
SoftwareSerial bluetooth(BLUETOOTH_TX, BLUETOOTH_RX);

volatile int lastEncoded = 0;
volatile long encoderValue = 0;
long lastencoderValue = 0;
int lastMSB = 0;
int lastLSB = 0;