This document provides a detailed overview of a circuit that includes an Arduino UNO, an ADS1115 ADC, an ACS712 current sensor, a potentiometer, toggle switches, a push button, and a power supply. The circuit is designed to read current values, potentiometer settings, and switch states, and then send this data to a serial monitor for further processing.
Toggle Switch
Arduino UNO
ACS712 Current Sensor 5A 20A 30A
2Pin Push Switch
#include <Adafruit_ADS1X15.h>
#include <Wire.h>
Adafruit_ADS1115 ads; // Create an instance of the ADS1115
// Pin Definitions
const int potPin = A1; // Pin for potentiometer
const int toggleSwitch1Pin = 3; // Pin for toggle switch 1 (corrected)
const int toggleSwitch2Pin = 4; // Pin for toggle switch 2 (corrected)
const int pushSwitchPin = 7; // Pin for push button (corrected)
// Variables to store values
int toggleSwitch1State = 0; // Variable for toggle switch 1 state
int toggleSwitch2State = 0; // Variable for toggle switch 2 state
int pushSwitchState = 0; // Variable for push button state
float currentSetting = 0; // Variable for potentiometer value
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
Serial.begin(9600); // Start Serial communication for debugging
ads.begin(); // Initialize the ADS1115 ADC
// Configure pins for switches
pinMode(toggleSwitch1Pin, INPUT); // Set toggle switch 1 pin as input
pinMode(toggleSwitch2Pin, INPUT); // Set toggle switch 2 pin as input
pinMode(pushSwitchPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set push button pin as input with internal pull-up
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
// Read the current from ACS712 via ADS1115
int16_t rawADC = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(0); // Read from A0 of ADS1115
float voltage = rawADC * (4.096 / 32767.0); // Convert raw ADC value to voltage
float current = (voltage - 2.5) / 0.185; // Convert voltage to current based on ACS712 (adjust based on your model)
// Read the potentiometer value
currentSetting = analogRead(potPin); // Read potentiometer value from A1
float knobValue = map(currentSetting, 0, 1023, 0, 100); // Map to 0-100 range (adjust as needed)
// Read the toggle switch states
toggleSwitch1State = digitalRead(toggleSwitch1Pin); // Read toggle switch 1 state
toggleSwitch2State = digitalRead(toggleSwitch2Pin); // Read toggle switch 2 state
// Read the push button state
pushSwitchState = digitalRead(pushSwitchPin); // Read push button state (LOW when pressed)
// Send data to Serial for your custom software
Serial.print("Current: ");
Serial.print(current, 3); // Print current in Amps
Serial.print(" A, Knob Value: ");
Serial.print(knobValue); // Print potentiometer value as a percentage
Serial.print(" %, Toggle Switch 1: ");
Serial.print(toggleSwitch1State == HIGH ? "OFF" : "ON"); // Print toggle switch 1 state
Serial.print(", Toggle Switch 2: ");
Serial.print(toggleSwitch2State == HIGH ? "OFF" : "ON"); // Print toggle switch 2 state
Serial.print(", Push Button: ");
Serial.println(pushSwitchState == HIGH ? "Released" : "Pressed"); // Print push button state
// Add a small delay to avoid spamming Serial
delay(500); // Adjust the delay as needed
This code initializes the ADS1115 ADC, reads current values from the ACS712 current sensor, potentiometer values, and switch states, and then sends this data to the serial monitor for further processing.