This circuit integrates an Arduino UNO microcontroller with an HC-05 Bluetooth Module and two L298N DC motor drivers to control four DC motors. The Arduino UNO is responsible for controlling the motor drivers based on Bluetooth commands received via the HC-05 module. The motors are powered by a battery that also supplies power to the motor drivers. The Arduino UNO's digital pins are used to send control signals to the motor drivers, enabling the motors to be driven in forward or reverse directions.
connected to HC-05 Bluetooth Module VCCGND
connected to HC-05 Bluetooth Module GNDD11
connected to L298N DC motor driver ENBD10
connected to L298N DC motor driver ENAD9
connected to both L298N DC motor drivers IN2D8
connected to both L298N DC motor drivers IN1D7
connected to L298N DC motor driver ENAD6
connected to both L298N DC motor drivers IN3D5
connected to both L298N DC motor drivers IN4D4
connected to L298N DC motor driver ENBD3
connected to HC-05 Bluetooth Module RXDD2
connected to HC-05 Bluetooth Module TXDVCC
connected to Arduino UNO 5VGND
connected to Arduino UNO GNDTXD
connected to Arduino UNO D2RXD
connected to Arduino UNO D3ENB
connected to Arduino UNO D11, D10 respectivelyIN1
, IN2
, IN3
, IN4
connected to Arduino UNO D8, D9, D6, D5 respectively12V
connected to battery positive (+)GND
connected to battery negative (-)OUT1
, OUT2
, OUT3
, OUT4
connected to corresponding DC Motor pinsOUT
pin on the corresponding L298N DC motor driverOUT
pin on the corresponding L298N DC motor driver+
connected to both L298N DC motor drivers 12V-
connected to both L298N DC motor drivers GNDvoid setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
Note: The provided code is a template and does not contain any functional code to control the motors or communicate with the Bluetooth module. The user will need to implement the control logic and communication protocol to make the circuit operational.