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Arduino and Stepper Motor Controlled Robotic Arm with Closed Loop Feedback

Image of Arduino and Stepper Motor Controlled Robotic Arm with Closed Loop Feedback

Circuit Documentation


This document provides a detailed overview of a circuit that includes various components such as stepper motors, stepper drivers, power supplies, an Arduino UNO, a DC motor driver, a mini vacuum pump, and a Dynamixel motor. The circuit is designed to control multiple motors and a vacuum pump using an Arduino UNO microcontroller. The document includes a component list, wiring details, and documented code for the microcontrollers.

Component List

Nema 17 42-STH48

  • Description: Stepper motor
  • Pins: A2 (black), A1 (Green), B2 (Red), B1 (Blue)

Stepperonline CL57T Closed Loop Stepper Driver

  • Description: Closed loop stepper driver
  • Pins: PUL+, PUL-, DIR+, DIR-, ENA+, ENA-, ALM, BRK, COM-, EB+, EB-, EA+, EA-, VCC, A+, A-, B+, B-, +VDC, GND, EGND


  • Description: Power supply
  • Pins: 220V Positive Pole (AC), 220V Negative Pole (AC), GND, GND (DC), 12V-24V Output (DC)

Arduino UNO

  • Description: Microcontroller
  • Pins: UNUSED, IOREF, Reset, 3.3V, 5V, GND, Vin, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, SCL, SDA, AREF, D13, D12, D11, D10, D9, D8, D7, D6, D5, D4, D3, D2, D1, D0

Dynamixel Motor

  • Description: Motor
  • Pins: GND, Vdc, Data

L298N DC Motor Driver

  • Description: DC motor driver
  • Pins: OUT1, OUT2, 12V, GND, 5V, OUT3, OUT4, 5V-ENA-JMP-I, 5V-ENA-JMP-O, +5V-J1, +5V-J2, ENA, IN1, IN2, IN3, IN4, ENB

Mini Vacuum Pump

  • Description: Vacuum pump
  • Pins: +, -


  • Description: Servo motor
  • Pins: GND, VCC, SIG

Lattepanda 3 Delta

  • Description: Single-board computer
  • Pins: GND, RST, SW, NC, S4, S3, S0, SPR+, SPR-, SPL+, 3.3V, SPL-, SCL, SDA, 1.8V, SGND, RI, DTR, CTS, TXD, RTS, RXD, DCD, DSR, D-, DC_IN, D+, 5V, RTC, MOSI, CLK, WP, HOLD, MISO, VCC, CS#, SCK, RESET, D7, DO-RXD1, A8-D8, D1-TXD1, A9-D9, D2-SDA, A10-D10, D3-SCL, D11, D4-A6, A11-D12, D5, D13LED-D13, D6~A7, A3-D21, D18-A0, A4-D22, D19-A1, A5-D23, D20-A2

Wiring Details

Nema 17 42-STH48

  • A2 (black) connected to Stepperonline CL57T Closed Loop Stepper Driver A+
  • A1 (Green) connected to Stepperonline CL57T Closed Loop Stepper Driver A-
  • B2 (Red) connected to Stepperonline CL57T Closed Loop Stepper Driver B+
  • B1 (Blue) connected to Stepperonline CL57T Closed Loop Stepper Driver B-

Stepperonline CL57T Closed Loop Stepper Driver

  • PUL+ connected to Arduino UNO D10
  • DIR+ connected to Arduino UNO D9
  • PUL- connected to POWER SUPPLY 12V 5AMP GND
  • DIR- connected to POWER SUPPLY 12V 5AMP GND
  • ENA- connected to POWER SUPPLY 12V 5AMP GND
  • A+ connected to Nema 17 42-STH48 A2 (black)
  • A- connected to Nema 17 42-STH48 A1 (Green)
  • B+ connected to Nema 17 42-STH48 B2 (Red)
  • B- connected to Nema 17 42-STH48 B1 (Blue)
  • +VDC connected to POWER SUPPLY 12V 5AMP 12V-24V Output (DC)
  • GND connected to POWER SUPPLY 12V 5AMP GND


  • GND connected to Stepperonline CL57T Closed Loop Stepper Driver PUL-
  • GND connected to Stepperonline CL57T Closed Loop Stepper Driver DIR-
  • GND connected to Stepperonline CL57T Closed Loop Stepper Driver ENA-
  • 12V-24V Output (DC) connected to Stepperonline CL57T Closed Loop Stepper Driver +VDC

Arduino UNO

  • D13 connected to L298N DC Motor Driver IN1
  • D12 connected to L298N DC Motor Driver IN2
  • D10 connected to Stepperonline CL57T Closed Loop Stepper Driver PUL+
  • D9 connected to Stepperonline CL57T Closed Loop Stepper Driver DIR+
  • D6 connected to Dynamixel Motor Data
  • D5 connected to MG996R SIG
  • D3 connected to Stepperonline CL57T Closed Loop Stepper Driver PUL+
  • D2 connected to Stepperonline CL57T Closed Loop Stepper Driver DIR+

Dynamixel Motor

  • GND connected to POWER SUPPLY 12V 5AMP GND
  • Vdc connected to POWER SUPPLY 12V 5AMP 12V-24V Output (DC)
  • Data connected to Arduino UNO D6

L298N DC Motor Driver

  • IN1 connected to Arduino UNO D13
  • IN2 connected to Arduino UNO D12
  • 12V connected to POWER SUPPLY 12V 5AMP 12V-24V Output (DC)
  • GND connected to POWER SUPPLY 12V 5AMP GND
  • 5V connected to Mini Vacuum Pump +
  • GND connected to Mini Vacuum Pump -

Mini Vacuum Pump

  • + connected to L298N DC Motor Driver 5V
  • - connected to L298N DC Motor Driver GND


  • GND connected to POWER SUPPLY 12V 5AMP GND
  • VCC connected to POWER SUPPLY 12V 5AMP 12V-24V Output (DC)
  • SIG connected to Arduino UNO D5

Documented Code

Arduino UNO (Instance 1)

File Name: sketch.ino

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


File Name: documentation.txt

Arduino UNO (Instance 2)

File Name: sketch.ino

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


File Name: documentation.txt

This concludes the documentation for the circuit. If there are any questions or further clarifications needed, please feel free to reach out.