This document details the design and implementation of an Automatic Plant Irrigation System. The system uses an Arduino UNO microcontroller to monitor soil moisture levels and control a water pump. The system includes a soil moisture sensor, a water level sensor, a buzzer module, and a micro servo. The Arduino UNO reads sensor data and activates the water pump when necessary.
Arduino UNO
SparkFun Soil Moisture Sensor
9V Battery
Water Level Sensor
Buzzer Module
Micro Servo 9G
5V connected to:
GND connected to:
A0 connected to:
A1 connected to:
D9 connected to:
D7 connected to:
VCC connected to:
GND connected to:
SIG connected to:
SIG connected to:
VCC connected to:
GND connected to:
GND connected to:
Vcc connected to:
I/O connected to:
GND connected to:
+5V connected to:
PWM connected to:
* Automatic Plant Irrigation System
* This Arduino sketch controls an automatic plant irrigation system. It uses a
* rain/snow sensor to detect moisture and a soil moisture sensor to monitor the
* soil's moisture level. If the soil is dry and it is not raining, the system
* activates a water pump via a relay to water the plants.
// Pin definitions
const int rainSensorPin = 6; // Digital pin connected to rain sensor
const int soilMoisturePin = A0; // Analog pin connected to soil moisture sensor
const int relayPin = 3; // Digital pin connected to relay
// Soil moisture threshold
const int soilMoistureThreshold = 500;
void setup() {
// Initialize serial communication
// Initialize pin modes
pinMode(rainSensorPin, INPUT);
pinMode(soilMoisturePin, INPUT);
pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT);
// Ensure the relay is off initially
digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);
void loop() {
// Read the rain sensor value
int rainSensorValue = digitalRead(rainSensorPin);
// Read the soil moisture sensor value
int soilMoistureValue = analogRead(soilMoisturePin);
// Print sensor values to the serial monitor
Serial.print("Rain Sensor: ");
Serial.print("\tSoil Moisture: ");
// Check if it is not raining and the soil is dry
if (rainSensorValue == LOW && soilMoistureValue < soilMoistureThreshold) {
// Turn on the relay to activate the water pump
digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH);
} else {
// Turn off the relay to deactivate the water pump
digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);
// Wait for a second before the next loop
This code initializes the necessary pins and continuously monitors the rain sensor and soil moisture sensor. If the soil is dry and it is not raining, the relay is activated to turn on the water pump. The sensor values are also printed to the serial monitor for debugging purposes.