Circuit Documentation
The circuit in question appears to be a complex system involving multiple Arduino microcontrollers, sensors, a display, a DFPlayer Mini, a loudspeaker, and various other components. The Arduinos are used as the main control units, interfacing with sensors like IR sensors, an inductive sensor, ultrasonic sensors, and a soil moisture sensor. The circuit also includes a power supply unit, a fan, and several LEDs with corresponding resistors. The DFPlayer Mini is connected to a loudspeaker, suggesting audio playback capabilities. The circuit is likely designed for some form of environmental monitoring with user interaction and feedback through sound and display.
Component List
- IR sensors
- HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensors
- Inductive Sensor
- SparkFun Soil Moisture Sensor
Audio Components
- DFPlayer Mini
- Loudspeaker
- Piezo Buzzer
- Buzzer
- 7 Segment Display (4 Digit)
- Lcd 20x4 i2c
- 16x2 I2C LCD
Power Components
- 220 fan
- USB power
- LEDs (Red, Green, Yellow)
- Resistors (Various values)
- Power 220v
Wiring Details
Arduino UNO
- Connected to a soil moisture sensor, IR sensors, an inductive sensor, servos, a 7-segment display, a piezo buzzer, LEDs, and ultrasonic sensors.
- Shares 5V and GND with various components for power distribution.
Arduino Nano
- Interfaces with an IR sensor and a DFPlayer Mini.
- Shares 5V and GND with the DFPlayer Mini for power distribution.
DFPlayer Mini
- Receives TX signal from Arduino Nano.
- Connected to a loudspeaker for audio output.
- Connected to the DFPlayer Mini for audio playback.
IR Sensors
- Connected to various Arduino pins for signal output.
- Powered by 5V and GND from the Arduinos.
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensors
- TRIG and ECHO pins connected to Arduino UNO pins.
- Powered by 5V and GND from the Arduino UNO.
Inductive Sensor
- Signal pin connected to an Arduino UNO pin.
- Powered by 5V and GND from the Arduino UNO.
SparkFun Soil Moisture Sensor
- SIG pin connected to an Arduino UNO pin.
- Powered by 5V and GND from the Arduino UNO.
- Pulse pins connected to various Arduino UNO pins.
- Powered by 5V and GND.
7 Segment Display (4 Digit)
- Individual segment pins connected to various Arduino UNO pins.
- Powered by 5V and GND from the Arduino UNO.
Lcd 20x4 i2c and 16x2 I2C LCD
- SDA and SCL pins connected to the corresponding Arduino UNO pins.
- Powered by 5V and GND from the Arduino UNO.
- Anodes connected to various Arduino UNO pins.
- Cathodes connected to GND through resistors.
- Various resistors used for current limiting and pull-up/pull-down configurations.
Power Supply Components
- POWER SUPPLY 5V 5AMP provides power to the circuit.
- USB power modules and a 220 fan are part of the power distribution system.
Documented Code
Arduino UNO (Main Controller)
void setup() {
void loop() {
Arduino Nano (Secondary Controller)
void setup() {
void loop() {
(Note: The provided code for all microcontrollers is identical and only a template with empty setup and loop functions. Actual implementation code is required for the circuit to perform any meaningful operations.)