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Arduino Mega 2560 Controlled LED Matrix and Ultrasonic Sensor Display

Image of Arduino Mega 2560 Controlled LED Matrix and Ultrasonic Sensor Display

Circuit Documentation


This circuit integrates an Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller with an HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor and a 64x32 LED Matrix display. The Arduino Mega 2560 serves as the central processing unit, controlling the LED Matrix for visual output and interfacing with the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor for distance measurement. The circuit is designed to provide a visual representation of sensor readings and can be expanded for various applications such as distance monitoring systems.

Component List

Arduino Mega 2560

  • Description: A microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560.
  • Purpose: Acts as the central controller for the circuit, interfacing with the LED Matrix and the Ultrasonic Sensor.
  • Pins: IOREF, RESET, 3V3, 5V, GND, VIN, Analog Pins (A0-A15), Digital Pins (D0-D53), PWM Pins, Communication Pins (TX, RX, SCL, SDA), AREF, and additional power pins.

LED Matrix 64x32

  • Description: A 64x32 pixel LED display matrix for visual output.
  • Purpose: Displays visual information as directed by the Arduino Mega 2560.
  • Pins: R1, B1, R2, B2, A, C, CLK, OE, G1, GND, G2, B, D, LAT.

HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor

  • Description: An ultrasonic distance sensor capable of measuring distances by emitting ultrasonic waves.
  • Purpose: Measures distances and provides feedback to the Arduino Mega 2560.
  • Pins: VCC, TRIG, ECHO, GND.

Wiring Details

Arduino Mega 2560

  • 5V to HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor VCC
  • GND to HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor GND and LED Matrix GND
  • A0 to LED Matrix A
  • A1 to LED Matrix B
  • A2 to LED Matrix C
  • A3 to LED Matrix D
  • D9 PWM to LED Matrix OE
  • D10 PWM to LED Matrix LAT
  • D11 PWM to LED Matrix CLK
  • D12 PWM to HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor TRIG
  • D13 PWM to HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor ECHO
  • D28 to LED Matrix G2
  • D26 to LED Matrix B1
  • D24 to LED Matrix R1
  • D29 to LED Matrix B2
  • D27 to LED Matrix R2
  • D25 to LED Matrix G1

LED Matrix 64x32

  • R1, B1, R2, B2, A, C, CLK, OE, G1, G2, B, D, LAT connected to corresponding pins on the Arduino Mega 2560.
  • Multiple GND pins connected to Arduino Mega 2560 GND.

HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor

  • VCC to Arduino Mega 2560 5V
  • GND to Arduino Mega 2560 GND
  • TRIG to Arduino Mega 2560 D12 PWM
  • ECHO to Arduino Mega 2560 D13 PWM

Documented Code

Arduino Mega 2560 Code (sketch.ino)

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


Additional Notes

  • The provided code is a template and does not contain any functional implementation. It needs to be populated with the logic for controlling the LED Matrix and reading data from the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor.
  • The setup() function is intended for initialization code that runs once at the start, such as pin mode configurations.
  • The loop() function is for code that runs continuously, which will include the main logic for sensor data acquisition and display updates.