Circuit Documentation
This document provides a detailed overview of a circuit that includes an Arduino Nano microcontroller, a servo motor, an RGB LED, an RFID reader, a Bluetooth module, a speaker, and an LCD screen. The document includes a list of components, wiring details, and the code used in the microcontroller.
Component List
Arduino Nano
- Description: A small, complete, and breadboard-friendly board based on the ATmega328P.
- Pins: D1/TX, D0/RX, RESET, GND, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11/MOSI, D12/MISO, VIN, 5V, A7, A6, A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, A0, AREF, 3V3, D13/SCK
Servo Motor MG90S
- Description: A small servo motor used for precise control of angular position.
- Pins: GND, VCC, Signal
RGB LED (Wokwi compatible)
- Description: An RGB LED that can emit different colors by mixing red, green, and blue light.
- Pins: R, COM, G, B
- Description: An RFID reader module used for reading RFID tags.
- Description: A Bluetooth module used for wireless communication.
- Pins: RXD, TXD, GND, VCC
- Description: A small speaker used for audio output.
- Pins: +, -
LCD Screen 16x2 I2C
- Description: A 16x2 character LCD screen with I2C interface.
- Pins: SCL, SDA, VCC, GND
Wiring Details
Arduino Nano
- D1/TX connected to HC-06 RXD
- D0/RX connected to HC-06 TXD
- RESET connected to RFID-RC522 RST
- GND connected to:
- LCD Screen 16x2 I2C GND
- Speaker -
- Servo Motor MG90S GND
- HC-06 GND
- D4 connected to Speaker +
- D7 connected to RFID-RC522 SDA
- D9 connected to Servo Motor MG90S Signal
- D11/MOSI connected to RFID-RC522 MOSI
- D12/MISO connected to RFID-RC522 MISO
- 5V connected to:
- LCD Screen 16x2 I2C VCC
- Servo Motor MG90S VCC
- HC-06 VCC
- A5 connected to LCD Screen 16x2 I2C SCL
- A4 connected to LCD Screen 16x2 I2C SDA
- 3V3 connected to RFID-RC522 VCC (3.3V)
- D13/SCK connected to RFID-RC522 SCK
Servo Motor MG90S
- GND connected to Arduino Nano GND
- VCC connected to Arduino Nano 5V
- Signal connected to Arduino Nano D9
RGB LED (Wokwi compatible)
- COM connected to Arduino Nano GND
- VCC (3.3V) connected to Arduino Nano 3V3
- RST connected to Arduino Nano RESET
- GND connected to Arduino Nano GND
- MISO connected to Arduino Nano D12/MISO
- MOSI connected to Arduino Nano D11/MOSI
- SCK connected to Arduino Nano D13/SCK
- SDA connected to Arduino Nano D7
- RXD connected to Arduino Nano D1/TX
- TXD connected to Arduino Nano D0/RX
- GND connected to Arduino Nano GND
- VCC connected to Arduino Nano 5V
- + connected to Arduino Nano D4
- - connected to Arduino Nano GND
LCD Screen 16x2 I2C
- SCL connected to Arduino Nano A5
- SDA connected to Arduino Nano A4
- VCC connected to Arduino Nano 5V
- GND connected to Arduino Nano GND
Code Documentation
Arduino Nano Code
void setup() {
void loop() {
This code is a basic template for the Arduino Nano. The setup
function is where you initialize your components and settings, and the loop
function is where you place the main code that runs repeatedly.