This circuit is designed to monitor environmental conditions using various sensors and communicate the data over Wi-Fi. It includes an Arduino UNO microcontroller, an analog temperature sensor, a gas sensor (MQ135), a light-dependent resistor (LDR), a buzzer, and a Wi-Fi module (ESP8266-01). The Arduino UNO reads data from the sensors and controls the buzzer based on the sensor readings. The data is then sent to a remote server via the Wi-Fi module.
Analog Temperature Sensor (NTC)
Arduino UNO
Wi-Fi Module (ESP8266-01)
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#define RX 2
#define TX 3
String AP = "DESKTOP-D2KO9SK 3774"; // AP NAME
String PASS = "38t7Y11;"; // AP PASSWORD
String HOST = ""; // API Host
String PORT = "20251"; // API Port
int countTrueCommand;
int countTimeCommand;
boolean found = false;
SoftwareSerial esp8266(RX, TX);
// Pin definitions
#define gassensor A2 // Pin for gas sensor
#define buzzer 8 // Pin for buzzer
#define ntcPin A0 // Pin for NTC thermistor
#define LDR A1 // Pin for LDR sensor
// MQ-135 Gas Sensor
float R0 = 10.0; // Resistance of the sensor in clean air (in kOhms)
// NTC Thermistor Variables
float Vin = 5.0; // [V]
float Rt = 10000; // Resistor value [ohm]
float R0_ntc = 10000; // value of rct in T0 [ohm]
float T0 = 298.15; // use T0 in Kelvin [K]
float Vout = 0.0; // Vout in A0
float Rout = 0.0; // Rout in A0
float T1 = 273.15; // [K] in datasheet 0º C
float T2 = 373.15; // [K] in datasheet 100° C
float RT1 = 35563; // [ohms] resistance in T1
float RT2 = 549; // [ohms] resistance in T2
float beta = 0.0; // initial parameters [K]
float Rinf = 0.0; // initial parameters [ohm]
float TempK = 0.0; // variable output
float TempC = 0.0; // variable output
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); // Start serial communication
pinMode(gassensor, INPUT); // Set gas sensor pin as input
pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT); // Set buzzer pin as output
pinMode(ntcPin, INPUT); // Set NTC pin as input
pinMode(LDR, INPUT); // Set LDR pin as input
// Parameters for NTC thermistor
beta = (log(RT1 / RT2)) / ((1 / T1) - (1 / T2));
Rinf = R0_ntc * exp(-beta / T0);
// Initialize ESP8266
sendCommand("AT", 5, "OK");
sendCommand("AT+CWMODE=1", 5, "OK");
// Connect to Wi-Fi
if (sendCommand("AT+CWJAP=\""+ AP +"\",\""+ PASS +"\"", 20, "OK")) {
Serial.println("WiFi connected successfully!");
} else {
Serial.println("WiFi connection failed.");
void loop() {
// Read gas sensor value
int gasValue = analogRead(gassensor);
// Control buzzer based on gas sensor value
if (gasValue >= 600) {
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);
// Read NTC thermistor
Vout = Vin * ((float)(analogRead(ntcPin)) / 1024.0); // calc for ntc
Rout = (Rt * Vout / (Vin - Vout));
TempK = (beta / log(Rout / Rinf)); // calc for temperature
TempC = TempK - 273.15;
// Print results to serial monitor
Serial.print("Gas Value: ");
Serial.println(" ppm");
Serial.print("Temperature: ");
Serial.write(0xdf); // to display ° symbol
Serial.print("C ");
// Read LDR sensor
int readValue = analogRead(LDR);
if (readValue > 100) {
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);
Serial.print("light intensity: ");
Serial.println(" Candela");
String postData = "p=" + String(gasValue) + "&t=" + String(TempC) + "&c=" + String(readValue); // Data to send
String getData = String("POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n") + // Change to your endpoint if necessary
"Host: " + HOST + "\r\n" +
"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n" +
"Content-Length: " + String(postData.length()) + "\r\n" +
"Connection: close\r\n\r\n" + // Double CRLF indicates end of headers
postData; // Actual data to be sent
sendCommand("AT+CIPMUX=1", 5, "OK");
sendCommand("AT+CIPSTART=0,\"TCP\",\"" + HOST + "\"," + PORT, 15, "OK");
// Prepare to send data