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Arduino-Controlled Stepper Motor with LCD Interface and Rotary Encoder

Image of Arduino-Controlled Stepper Motor with LCD Interface and Rotary Encoder

Circuit Documentation


The circuit in question is designed to control a bipolar stepper motor using an Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller and a STEPPERONLINE DM542T driver. The system also includes a rotary encoder for user input, a membrane matrix keypad for additional control options, and an LCD (20x4 with I2C interface) for displaying information. The power supply provides the necessary voltage and current to drive the stepper motor through the driver. The Arduino Mega 2560 is the central processing unit that interfaces with the input devices (keypad and rotary encoder) and controls the motor driver, which in turn drives the stepper motor. The LCD is used to display the status or feedback from the system.

Component List

Arduino Mega 2560

  • Microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560
  • Provides a large number of IO pins, including digital, analog, and PWM capable pins
  • Features I2C communication pins used to interface with the LCD

Stepper Motor (Bipolar)

  • A bipolar stepper motor with four control wires
  • Controlled by the STEPPERONLINE DM542T driver

Membrane Matrix Keypad

  • A simple interface for user input
  • Consists of rows and columns that form a matrix of buttons

Lcd 20x4 i2c

  • An alphanumeric liquid crystal display with 20 characters per line and 4 lines
  • Uses I2C communication for interfacing with the Arduino Mega 2560

Power Supply

  • Provides the required voltage and current to power the stepper motor and the driver


  • A digital stepper motor driver capable of driving a bipolar stepper motor
  • Accepts pulse and direction signals from the Arduino Mega 2560

Rotary Encoder incremental type side mount

  • An incremental rotary encoder used for user input
  • Provides feedback on rotation through two output channels


  • Placeholder components for additional notes or documentation

Wiring Details

Arduino Mega 2560

  • GND connected to common ground
  • 5V connected to the 5V power lines of the LCD and rotary encoder
  • D7 PWM connected to PUL+ on the STEPPERONLINE DM542T
  • D8 PWM connected to DIR+ on the STEPPERONLINE DM542T
  • D9 PWM connected to ENA+ on the STEPPERONLINE DM542T
  • D3 PWM connected to A on the Rotary Encoder
  • D2 PWM connected to B on the Rotary Encoder
  • D21/SCL connected to SCL on the LCD
  • D20/SDA connected to SCA on the LCD
  • D44, D42, D40, D38, D36, D34, D32 connected to the corresponding columns and rows of the Membrane Matrix Keypad

Stepper Motor (Bipolar)

  • D connected to B- on the STEPPERONLINE DM542T
  • B connected to B+ on the STEPPERONLINE DM542T
  • C connected to A- on the STEPPERONLINE DM542T
  • A connected to A+ on the STEPPERONLINE DM542T

Membrane Matrix Keypad

  • Column 1, Column 2, Column 3 connected to D40, D42, D44 on the Arduino Mega 2560 respectively
  • Row 1, Row 2, Row 3, Row 4 connected to D32, D34, D36, D38 on the Arduino Mega 2560 respectively

Lcd 20x4 i2c

  • GND connected to common ground
  • 5v connected to the 5V power line from the Arduino Mega 2560
  • SCA connected to D20/SDA on the Arduino Mega 2560
  • SCL connected to D21/SCL on the Arduino Mega 2560

Power Supply

  • + connected to +V on the STEPPERONLINE DM542T
  • - connected to GND on the STEPPERONLINE DM542T


  • B-, B+, A-, A+ connected to the corresponding wires of the Stepper Motor (Bipolar)
  • GND connected to the negative terminal of the Power Supply
  • +V connected to the positive terminal of the Power Supply
  • PUL+, DIR+, ENA+ connected to D7 PWM, D8 PWM, D9 PWM on the Arduino Mega 2560 respectively

Rotary Encoder incremental type side mount

  • GND connected to common ground
  • VCC connected to the 5V power line from the Arduino Mega 2560
  • A connected to D3 PWM on the Arduino Mega 2560
  • B connected to D2 PWM on the Arduino Mega 2560

Documented Code

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


Filename: sketch.ino

The provided code is a template for the Arduino sketch. The setup() function is called once when the sketch starts and is used to initialize the settings or pin modes. The loop() function is called repeatedly and contains the main logic of the sketch. The actual implementation details need to be filled in based on the specific requirements of the circuit's operation.