This circuit is designed to interface various sensors and actuators with an Arduino Leonardo microcontroller. The sensors include a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, an Adafruit BMP180 barometric pressure sensor, a Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) for light sensing, and a capacitive soil moisture sensor. Actuators in the circuit include a fan, a water pump, and a relay module for controlling high-power devices. An OLED display is also included for data visualization. The circuit is powered by a 4xAA battery pack. The Arduino Leonardo facilitates data acquisition from the sensors and controls the actuators based on the sensor inputs.
connected to DHT11, Adafruit BMP180, LDR, NPN-Transistor base, Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor, Relay module, OLED displayGND
connected to DHT11, Adafruit BMP180, LDR, Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor, Fan, OLED display, Relay module, 4xAA battery pack NEG, Water PumpD2/SDA
connected to DHT11 sensor data pinSCL
connected to Adafruit BMP180 and OLED display for I2C clockSDA
connected to Adafruit BMP180 and OLED display for I2C dataA0
connected to LDR analog outputD4/A6
connected to Relay module signal pinA1
connected to Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor analog outputD9 PWM/A9
connected to NPN-Transistor collector5V
and GND
for power supplyS
for data output connected to Arduino Leonardo D2/SDA
and GND
for power supplySCL
and SDA
for I2C communication with Arduino LeonardoVCC
and GND
for power supplyA0
for analog light intensity output connected to Arduino Leonardo A0
and GND
for power supplyB
connected to Arduino Leonardo 5V
connected to Arduino Leonardo D9 PWM/A9
connected to Fan 5V
and GND
for power supplyAOUT
for analog moisture level output connected to Arduino Leonardo A1
and GND
for power supplyS
for signal input connected to Arduino Leonardo D4/A6
normally closed contact connected to Water Pump VCC
common contact connected to 4xAA battery pack POS
and NEG
for power supplyNEG
connected to Arduino Leonardo GND
connected to Relay module COM
and GND
for power supplyVCC
connected to Relay module NC
and VCC
for power supplySCL
and SDA
for I2C communication with Arduino LeonardoNo code was provided for the microcontroller. The documentation of the code would typically include descriptions of the functions, algorithms, and logic used to read sensor data, control actuators, and display information on the OLED screen. It would also include setup and loop functions for the Arduino sketch, along with any necessary library imports and global variable definitions.