This circuit integrates an Arduino UNO microcontroller with an RFID-RC522 module, a limit switch, a 5V relay, and a hobby gearmotor powered by a 4.5V battery pack. The Arduino UNO is used as the central processing unit, interfacing with the RFID module for identification purposes and controlling the relay which in turn drives the gearmotor. The limit switch serves as an input device to the Arduino, providing a means to trigger events when activated.
connected to RFID-RC522 VCC (3.3V)D9
connected to RFID-RC522 RSTGND
connected to RFID-RC522 GND, 5V relay GND, and Limit switch NCD12
connected to RFID-RC522 MISOD11
connected to RFID-RC522 MOSID13
connected to RFID-RC522 SCKD10
connected to RFID-RC522 SDA5V
connected to Limit switch NO and 5V relay VCCA5
connected to Limit switch CD6
connected to 5V relay InNO
connected to Arduino UNO 5VNC
connected to Arduino UNO GNDC
connected to Arduino UNO A5GND
connected to 5V relay Common terminalVCC
connected to Hobby Gearmotor pin 2pin 1
connected to 5V relay Normally Openpin 2
connected to Battery AAx3 4.5V VCCVCC (3.3V)
connected to Arduino UNO 3.3VRST
connected to Arduino UNO D9GND
connected to Arduino UNO GNDMISO
connected to Arduino UNO D12MOSI
connected to Arduino UNO D11SCK
connected to Arduino UNO D13SDA
connected to Arduino UNO D10GND
connected to Arduino UNO GNDVCC
connected to Arduino UNO 5VIn
connected to Arduino UNO D6Normally Open
connected to Hobby Gearmotor pin 1Common terminal
connected to Battery AAx3 4.5V GNDvoid setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
Note: The actual functionality of the code is not provided in the input and should be implemented according to the specific requirements of the circuit's operation.