Circuit Documentation
This circuit is designed to manage and control various components including a brushless motor, a servo motor (MG996R), an ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04), a GSM module (SIM800L), a LoRa module (Ra-02 SX1278), an ESP32 Devkit V1, an ESP32-CAM, a relay module, and a step-down module (LM2596). The power system consists of a 12v battery, a solar panel, and a charge controller to manage the charging process. The ESP32 Devkit V1 serves as the central microcontroller, interfacing with the GSM, LoRa, and ultrasonic sensor, as well as controlling the relay module which in turn controls the servo motor. The brushless motor is driven by an electronic speed controller (ESC) that receives power from the battery via the charge controller and is controlled by the ESP32 Devkit V1.
Component List
Power Components
- 12v Battery: Provides the main power source for the circuit.
- Solar Panel: Charges the battery through the charge controller.
- Charge Controller: Manages the charging of the battery from the solar panel and provides power to the load.
- LM2596 Step Down Module: Steps down the voltage to a lower level suitable for components requiring less than 12v.
Control Components
- ESP32 Devkit V1: The main microcontroller unit that controls various components and handles communication.
- ESP32-CAM: A camera module that can be used for image capturing and processing.
Communication Components
- SIM800L GSM Module: Provides GSM functionality to send SMS, make calls, or use GPRS for internet connectivity.
- LoRa Ra-02 SX1278: A long-range communication module using LoRa technology.
Sensor and Actuators
- HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor: Measures distances using ultrasonic waves.
- MG996R: A high-torque servo motor used for precise angular movement.
- Brushless Motor: Provides mechanical power for applications such as propulsion.
Additional Components
- Electronic Speed Controller (ESC): Controls the speed of the brushless motor.
- 1 Channel 5V Relay Module: Acts as an electrically operated switch controlled by the ESP32 Devkit V1.
- Propeller: Attaches to the brushless motor for propulsion.
- GND: Represents the ground connections in the circuit.
Wiring Details
Power Components
12v Battery
- Positive terminal connected to the Charge Controller's Battery Positive.
- Negative terminal connected to the Charge Controller's Battery Negative.
Solar Panel
- Positive terminal connected to the Charge Controller's Solar Positive.
- Negative terminal connected to the Charge Controller's Solar Negative.
Charge Controller
- Load Positive connected to the LM2596 Step Down Module's IN+.
- Load Negative connected to the LM2596 Step Down Module's IN-.
LM2596 Step Down Module
- OUT+ provides 5V to the ESP32 - CAM, MG996R, HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor, ESP32 Devkit V1, and SIM800L GSM Module.
- OUT- serves as the ground connection for various components.
Control Components
ESP32 Devkit V1
- 3V3 pin provides 3.3V to the LoRa Ra-02 SX1278 module.
- GND pin connected to the common ground.
- VIN pin connected to the LM2596 Step Down Module's OUT+ for 5V supply.
- RX2 and TX2 pins are used for serial communication with the SIM800L GSM Module.
- D5, D18, D19, and D23 pins are used for SPI communication with the LoRa Ra-02 SX1278 module.
- D12 and D13 pins are used for controlling the relay module and reading the ECHO pin of the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor, respectively.
- 5V and GND pins connected to the LM2596 Step Down Module's OUT+ and OUT- for power supply.
Communication Components
SIM800L GSM Module
- VDD pin connected to the LM2596 Step Down Module's OUT+ for power supply.
- GND pin connected to the common ground.
- SIM_TXD and SIM_RXD pins connected to the ESP32 Devkit V1's TX2 and RX2 for serial communication.
LoRa Ra-02 SX1278
- 3.3V, GND, NSS, MOSI, MISO, and SCK pins connected to the ESP32 Devkit V1 for SPI communication and power supply.
Sensor and Actuators
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
- VCC pin connected to the LM2596 Step Down Module's OUT+ for power supply.
- TRIG pin connected to the ESP32 Devkit V1's D12 for trigger signal.
- ECHO pin connected to the ESP32 Devkit V1's D13 for echo signal.
- GND pin connected to the common ground.
- VCC pin connected to the LM2596 Step Down Module's OUT+ for power supply.
- SIG pin connected to the 1 Channel 5V Relay Module's IN for signal control.
- GND pin connected to the common ground.
Brushless Motor
- L1, L2, and L3 pins connected to the Electronic Speed Controller (ESC)'s M1, M2, and M3 for motor control.
Additional Components
Electronic Speed Controller (ESC)
- Battery VCC and Battery GND connected to the Charge Controller's Battery Positive and Battery Negative for power supply.
- Signal pin connected to the ESP32 Devkit V1 for control signal.
- 5v out and GND out provide 5V and ground to the 1 Channel 5V Relay Module.
1 Channel 5V Relay Module
- VCC+ and VCC- (GND) pins connected to the Electronic Speed Controller (ESC)'s 5v out and GND out for power supply.
- IN pin connected to the MG996R's SIG pin for signal control.
- N.O. and COM pins are part of the relay switch mechanism.
Documented Code
No code has been provided for the microcontrollers in the circuit. The documentation for the code section will be added once the code is available.