Circuit Documentation
This circuit is designed to control a heating and alarm system using an Arduino Due microcontroller and a SIM800L GSM module. The system includes an 8-channel relay module, multiple PIR motion sensors, temperature sensors, reed switches, and an RTC module for timekeeping. The relays can be controlled via SMS commands received by the SIM800L module. The system also reads data from the sensors and logs it for monitoring purposes.
Component List
Electrolytic Capacitor
- Description: A capacitor used for filtering and energy storage.
- Pins: -, +
Arduino Due
- Description: A microcontroller board based on the Atmel SAM3X8E ARM Cortex-M3 CPU.
- Pins: A8, A9, A10, A11, DAC0, DAC1, CANRX, CANTX, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, D14/TX3, D15/RX3, D16/TX2, D17/RX2, D18/TX1, D19/RX1, D20/SDA3, D21/SCL3, IOREF, MASTER-RESET, 5V, GND, VIN, D8 PWM, D9 PWM, D10 PWM/SS0, D11 PWM, D12 PWM, D13 PWM, AREF, SDA1, SCL1, D0/RX, D1/TX, D2 PWM, D3 PWM, D4 PWM/SS1, D5 PWM, D6 PWM, D7 PWM, D22, D23, D24, D25, D26, D27, D28, D29, D30, D31, D32, D33, D34, D35, D36, D37, D38, D39, D40, D41, D42, D43, D44, D45, D46, D47, D48, D49, D50, D51, D52, D53, unused
Switching Power Supply
- Description: Provides power to the circuit.
- Pins: AC, GND, -V, +V
5V 8-Channel Relay
- Description: A relay module used to control high-power devices.
- Pins: GND, IN1, IN2, IN3, IN4, IN5, IN6, IN7, IN8, VCC, NC, C, NO
SIM800L GSM Module
- Description: A GSM module used for communication via SMS.
DS18B20 1-Wire Temperature Sensor Probe Cable
- Description: A temperature sensor used to measure temperature.
- Pins: shield, GND, DQ, VDD
DC-DC Converter
- Description: Converts DC voltage levels.
RTC DS13072
- Description: A real-time clock module for timekeeping.
HC-SR505 Mini PIR Motion Sensing Module
- Description: A motion sensor used to detect movement.
- Pins: +, out, -
LilyPad Reed Switch
- Description: A magnetic switch used to detect the presence of a magnetic field.
- Pins: N$1, 1
PIR Sensor
- Description: A motion sensor used to detect movement.
- Pins: VDD, SIG, GND
Wiring Details
Electrolytic Capacitor
- -: Connected to GND net.
- +: Connected to VCC net.
Arduino Due
- A5: Connected to RTC DS13072 (SDA).
- A6: Connected to RTC DS13072 (SCL).
- D14/TX3: Connected to SIM800L GSM Module (SIM_TXD).
- D15/RX3: Connected to SIM800L GSM Module (SIM_RXD).
- 5V: Connected to SIM800L GSM Module (VDD).
- GND: Connected to Switching Power Supply (GND) and DC-DC Converter (GND IN).
- D9 PWM: Connected to DS18B20 Temperature Sensors (DQ).
- D2 PWM: Connected to SIM800L GSM Module (RST).
- D30: Connected to 5V 8-Channel Relay (IN1).
- D31: Connected to 5V 8-Channel Relay (IN2).
- D32: Connected to 5V 8-Channel Relay (IN3).
- D33: Connected to 5V 8-Channel Relay (IN4).
- D34: Connected to 5V 8-Channel Relay (IN5).
- D35: Connected to 5V 8-Channel Relay (IN6).
- D36: Connected to 5V 8-Channel Relay (IN7).
- D37: Connected to 5V 8-Channel Relay (IN8).
- D38: Connected to HC-SR505 Mini PIR Motion Sensing Module (out).
- D39: Connected to HC-SR505 Mini PIR Motion Sensing Module (out).
- D40: Connected to PIR Sensor (SIG).
- D41: Connected to PIR Sensor (SIG).
- D44: Connected to LilyPad Reed Switch (1).
- D45: Connected to LilyPad Reed Switch (1).
- D46: Connected to LilyPad Reed Switch (1).
- D47: Connected to LilyPad Reed Switch (1).
Switching Power Supply
- GND: Connected to Arduino Due (GND) and DC-DC Converter (GND IN).
- +V: Connected to DC-DC Converter (+VCC IN).
5V 8-Channel Relay
- GND: Connected to GND net.
- VCC: Connected to VCC net.
- IN1: Connected to Arduino Due (D30).
- IN2: Connected to Arduino Due (D31).
- IN3: Connected to Arduino Due (D32).
- IN4: Connected to Arduino Due (D33).
- IN5: Connected to Arduino Due (D34).
- IN6: Connected to Arduino Due (D35).
- IN7: Connected to Arduino Due (D36).
- IN8: Connected to Arduino Due (D37).
SIM800L GSM Module
- 5V: Connected to VCC net.
- GND: Connected to GND net.
- VDD: Connected to Arduino Due (5V).
- SIM_TXD: Connected to Arduino Due (D14/TX3).
- SIM_RXD: Connected to Arduino Due (D15/RX3).
- RST: Connected to Arduino Due (D2 PWM).
DS18B20 1-Wire Temperature Sensor Probe Cable
- GND: Connected to GND net.
- VDD: Connected to VCC net.
- DQ: Connected to Arduino Due (D9 PWM).
DC-DC Converter
- +VCC IN: Connected to Switching Power Supply (+V).
- GND IN: Connected to Switching Power Supply (GND).
- +VCC OUT: Connected to VCC net.
- GND OUT: Connected to GND net.
RTC DS13072
- GND: Connected to GND net.
- VCC: Connected to VCC net.
- SDA: Connected to Arduino Due (A5).
- SCL: Connected to Arduino Due (A6).
HC-SR505 Mini PIR Motion Sensing Module
- -: Connected to GND net.
- +: Connected to VCC net.
- out: Connected to Arduino Due (D38) and (D39).
LilyPad Reed Switch
- N$1: Connected to VCC net.
- 1: Connected to Arduino Due (D44), (D45), (D46), and (D47).
PIR Sensor
- GND: Connected to GND net.
- VDD: Connected to VCC net.
- SIG: Connected to Arduino Due (D40) and (D41).
Code Documentation