The circuit in question is designed to interface an Arduino UNO with a variety of components including a RAIN SENSOR, a DC worm gear motor controlled by a Motor Driver, an RFID-RC522 module for RFID communication, a 12V 200Ah Battery for power supply, a solar panel with an MPPT SCC (Maximum Power Point Tracking Solar Charge Controller) for energy harvesting, a copper coil, and a Power Inverter for converting DC to AC power. A buck converter is also included to step down the voltage for certain components. The Arduino UNO serves as the central processing unit, managing sensor inputs, controlling the motor, and communicating with the RFID module.
A microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P. It has 14 digital input/output pins, 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button.
A sensor module used to detect rain. It comes with both analog and digital outputs.
A type of DC motor coupled with a worm gear reducer for high torque and low RPM applications.
An electronic module that drives the DC motor by providing the necessary current and voltage for its operation.
An RFID reader/writer module that operates at 13.56 MHz frequency.
A high-capacity battery that provides a 12V output and has a 200Ah rating for extended energy storage.
A photovoltaic panel that converts sunlight into electrical energy.
A solar charge controller that optimizes the power output from a solar panel and charges the battery.
A coil of copper wire that can be used in electromagnetic applications or as an inductive component.
A device that converts DC power from the battery into AC power.
A DC-DC converter that steps down voltage from a higher level to a lower level.
connected to RFID-RC522 VCC (3.3V)5V
connected to RAIN SENSOR VCC and Motor Driver 5VGND
connected to Motor Driver GND, RFID-RC522 GND, and RAIN SENSOR GRDVin
connected to buck converter OUT+A0
connected to RAIN SENSOR AOD13
connected to RFID-RC522 SCKD12
connected to RFID-RC522 MISOD11
connected to RFID-RC522 MOSID10
connected to Motor Driver M1B and RFID-RC522 SDAD9
connected to Motor Driver M1A and RFID-RC522 IRQD4
connected to RAIN SENSOR DOAO
connected to Arduino UNO A0DO
connected to Arduino UNO D4GRD
connected to buck converter OUT -VCC
connected to Arduino UNO 5VMotor+
connected to Motor Driver M1AMotor-
connected to Motor Driver M1BVB+
(Not specified in net list)VB-
(Not specified in net list)M1A
connected to Arduino UNO D9 and DC worm gear motor Motor+M1B
connected to Arduino UNO D10 and DC worm gear motor Motor-M2A
(Not specified in net list)M2B
(Not specified in net list)5V
connected to Arduino UNO GNDVCC (3.3V)
connected to Arduino UNO 3.3VRST
(Not specified in net list)GND
connected to Arduino UNO GNDIRQ
connected to Arduino UNO D9MISO
connected to Arduino UNO D12MOSI
connected to Arduino UNO D11SCK
connected to Arduino UNO D13SDA
connected to Arduino UNO D10GND
connected to buck converter IN and MPPT SCC BATTERY-12V
connected to buck converter -IN and MPPT SCC BATTERY++
connected to MPPT SCC SOLAR+-
connected to MPPT SCC SOLAR-SOLAR+
connected to solar panel +SOLAR-
connected to solar panel -BATTERY+
connected to 12V 200Ah Battery 12VBATTERY-
connected to 12V 200Ah Battery GNDLOAD+
connected to Power Inverter +LOAD-
connected to Power Inverter --ve
connected to Power Inverter -+ve
connected to Power Inverter +-
connected to MPPT SCC LOAD- and copper coil -ve+
connected to MPPT SCC LOAD+ and copper coil +veIN
connected to 12V 200Ah Battery GND-IN
connected to 12V 200Ah Battery 12VOUT -
connected to RAIN SENSOR GRDOUT+
connected to Arduino UNO Vinvoid setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
The provided code for the Arduino UNO is a template with empty setup and loop functions. Actual implementation code will be required to control the components based on the circuit's intended functionality.