This circuit is designed to control a plastic solenoid valve and a 5V mini water pump based on readings from a YL-69 humidity sensor. The system operates by checking the soil moisture level every 24 hours and activates the valve and pump if the moisture level exceeds a specified threshold. The Arduino UNO serves as the central controller, reading the sensor data and managing the power to the pump and valve accordingly.
* This Arduino sketch controls a valve and a water pump based on
* readings from a humidity sensor. The valve and water pump are activated
* when the analog value from the humidity sensor exceeds a specified threshold. The
* system checks the moisture level every 24 hours and activates the valve
* and water pump accordingly.
// Declaration of constants and pins
const int humidityDigitalPin = 2; // Digital output from the humidity sensor
const int humidityAnalogPin = A0; // Analog output from the humidity sensor
const int valvePin = 10; // Control pin for the valve
const int pumpPin = 9; // Control pin for the pump
const int threshold = 600; // Moisture threshold (0-1023), adjust based on soil
unsigned long wateringInterval = 86400000UL; // Watering interval: 24 hours (in ms)
unsigned long wateringDuration = 60000UL; // Pump and valve activation duration: 1 minute (in ms)
unsigned long previousMillis = 0; // Time of the last measurement
unsigned long pumpStartMillis = 0; // Pump start time
bool isWatering = false; // Indicates whether watering is in progress
void setup() {
pinMode(valvePin, OUTPUT); // Set the valve pin as an output
pinMode(pumpPin, OUTPUT); // Set the pump pin as an output
pinMode(humidityDigitalPin, INPUT); // Set the digital sensor pin
pinMode(humidityAnalogPin, INPUT); // Set the analog sensor pin
digitalWrite(valvePin, LOW); // Valve closed by default
digitalWrite(pumpPin, LOW); // Pump off by default
Serial.begin(9600); // For displaying information on the serial monitor
void loop() {
unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); // Get the current time
// Check every 24 hours
if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= wateringInterval) {
previousMillis = currentMillis; // Update the time of the last measurement
int soilMoistureValue = analogRead(humidityAnalogPin); // Read the soil moisture
Serial.print("Soil Moisture: ");
if (soilMoistureValue > threshold) {
// Moisture is above the threshold, start watering
Serial.println("Low moisture, activating pump and valve!");
digitalWrite(valvePin, HIGH); // Open the valve
digitalWrite(pumpPin, HIGH); // Activate the pump
isWatering = true; // Mark that watering has started
pumpStartMillis = currentMillis; // Record the pump start time
// Check if watering is in progress and needs to stop
if (isWatering) {
if (currentMillis - pumpStartMillis >= wateringDuration) {
// Watering duration is over
Serial.println("Watering complete, stopping pump and valve.");
digitalWrite(valvePin, LOW); // Close the valve
digitalWrite(pumpPin, LOW); // Turn off the pump
isWatering = false; // Watering is finished
// You can perform other tasks here while watering is paused
// For example, you can check other sensors, manage an LCD display, etc.
This code is designed to be uploaded to the Arduino UNO microcontroller. It initializes the pins connected to the humidity sensor, water pump, and solenoid valve, and sets up a serial communication for debugging purposes. The main loop checks the soil moisture level every 24 hours and activates the water pump and valve for a minute if the soil is too dry.