This circuit is designed to control an RC car with two DC motors and a crane mechanism using two joysticks. The car's movement (forward, reverse, left, right) is controlled by the first joystick, while the second joystick manages the crane's servo motors for hoisting and rotation. An LED indicates the car's movement direction, staying on when moving forward and blinking when reversing. The circuit utilizes an Arduino UNO as the central microcontroller to process the joystick inputs and control the motors and servos accordingly.
* RC Car with Crane Control
* This Arduino sketch controls an RC car with two DC motors and a crane
* mechanism using two joysticks. The first joystick controls the car's
* movement (forward, reverse, left, right), and the second joystick
* controls the crane's servo motors for hoisting and rotation. An LED
* indicates the car's movement direction: it stays on when moving
* forward and blinks when reversing.
// Pin definitions
const int motorENA = 5;
const int motorIN1 = 4;
const int motorIN2 = 3;
const int motorIN3 = 2;
const int motorIN4 = 1;
const int motorENB = 0;
const int servoPWM1 = 6;
const int servoPWM2 = 7;
const int ledPin = 8;
const int joy1VRx = A5;
const int joy1VRy = A4;
const int joy1SW = 13;
const int joy2VRx = A3;
const int joy2VRy = A2;
const int joy2SW = 12;
void setup() {
// Initialize motor control pins
pinMode(motorENA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motorIN1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motorIN2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motorIN3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motorIN4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motorENB, OUTPUT);
// Initialize servo control pins
pinMode(servoPWM1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(servoPWM2, OUTPUT);
// Initialize LED pin
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
// Initialize joystick switch pins
pinMode(joy1SW, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(joy2SW, INPUT_PULLUP);
void loop() {
// Read joystick values
int joy1X = analogRead(joy1VRx);
int joy1Y = analogRead(joy1VRy);
int joy2X = analogRead(joy2VRx);
int joy2Y = analogRead(joy2VRy);
// Control car movement
controlCar(joy1X, joy1Y);
// Control crane servos
controlCrane(joy2X, joy2Y);
void controlCar(int x, int y) {
if (y > 600) { // Forward
digitalWrite(motorIN1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motorIN2, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorIN3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motorIN4, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // LED on
} else if (y < 400) { // Reverse
digitalWrite(motorIN1, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorIN2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motorIN3, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorIN4, HIGH);
blinkLED(); // LED blink
} else if (x > 600) { // Right
digitalWrite(motorIN1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motorIN2, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorIN3, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorIN4, HIGH);
} else if (x < 400) { // Left
digitalWrite(motorIN1, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorIN2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motorIN3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motorIN4, LOW);
} else { // Stop
digitalWrite(motorIN1, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorIN2, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorIN3, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorIN4, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // LED off
void controlCrane(int x, int y) {
int servo1Pos = map(x, 0, 1023, 0, 180);
int servo2Pos = map(y, 0, 1023, 0, 180);
analogWrite(servoPWM1, servo1Pos);
analogWrite(servoPWM2, servo2Pos);
void blinkLED() {
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
This code is responsible for reading the joystick inputs and controlling the motors and servos based on the joystick positions. It also manages the LED behavior to reflect the car's movement direction.