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Battery-Powered LED Indicator with 7408 AND Gate

Image of Battery-Powered LED Indicator with 7408 AND Gate

Circuit Documentation


This circuit consists of a 9V battery, a 7805 voltage regulator, an IC 7408 (quad 2-input AND gate), a red LED, and a resistor. The 9V battery powers the circuit, and the 7805 voltage regulator steps down the voltage to 5V for the IC 7408. The IC 7408 processes input signals and drives the LED through a current-limiting resistor.

Component List

9V Battery

  • Description: Provides the primary power source for the circuit.
  • Pins: +, -

7805 Voltage Regulator

  • Description: Steps down the 9V from the battery to a stable 5V for the IC 7408.
  • Pins: Vin, Gnd, Vout

IC 7408 (Quad 2-Input AND Gate)

  • Description: Contains four independent AND gates.
  • Pins: A1, B1, Y1, A2, B2, Y2, GND, Vcc, B4, A4, Y4, A3, B3, Y3

LED: Two Pin (Red)

  • Description: Emits light when current flows through it.
  • Pins: cathode, anode


  • Description: Limits the current flowing through the LED.
  • Pins: pin1, pin2
  • Properties:
    • Resistance: 220 Ohms

Wiring Details

9V Battery

  • + is connected to Vin of the 7805 voltage regulator.
  • - is connected to Gnd of the 7805 voltage regulator and GND of the IC 7408.

7805 Voltage Regulator

  • Vin is connected to + of the 9V battery.
  • Gnd is connected to - of the 9V battery and GND of the IC 7408.
  • Vout is connected to Vcc of the IC 7408.

IC 7408 (Quad 2-Input AND Gate)

  • GND is connected to Gnd of the 7805 voltage regulator and - of the 9V battery.
  • Vcc is connected to Vout of the 7805 voltage regulator.
  • Y1 is connected to cathode of the LED.
  • A1 is connected to pin2 of the resistor.
  • B1 is connected to pin2 of the resistor.

LED: Two Pin (Red)

  • cathode is connected to Y1 of the IC 7408.
  • anode is connected to pin1 of the resistor.


  • pin1 is connected to anode of the LED.
  • pin2 is connected to A1 and B1 of the IC 7408.


There is no microcontroller code associated with this circuit.

This documentation provides a comprehensive overview of the circuit, including a summary, detailed component descriptions, wiring details, and any associated code.