This circuit is designed to interface an Arduino UNO with a variety of components including an HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor, an L298N DC motor driver, four hobbyist yellow geared motors, a 16-Channel PWM Servo Driver, four servos, and a 12V battery. The Arduino UNO serves as the central processing unit, controlling the motors and reading sensor data. The L298N driver is used to control the motors, while the 16-Channel PWM Servo Driver manages the servos. The HC-SR04 sensor provides distance measurements. Power distribution is carefully managed to ensure all components receive the appropriate voltages.
connected to HC-SR04 VCC and 16-Channel PWM Servo Driver VCC.GND
connected to HC-SR04 GND, L298N GND, and 16-Channel PWM Servo Driver GND.Vin
connected to L298N 5V.A4 (SDA)
connected to 16-Channel PWM Servo Driver SDA.A5 (SCL)
connected to 16-Channel PWM Servo Driver SCL.D2-D9
connected to L298N IN1-IN4, ENA, ENB, HC-SR04 TRIG, and ECHO.VCC
connected to Arduino UNO 5V.GND
connected to Arduino UNO GND.TRIG
connected to Arduino UNO D7.ECHO
connected to Arduino UNO D8.12V
connected to Battery 12V (+).GND
connected to Battery 12V (-) and Arduino UNO GND.5V
connected to Arduino UNO Vin.IN1-IN4
connected to Arduino UNO D2-D4, D9.ENA, ENB
connected to Arduino UNO D5, D6.OUT1-OUT4
connected to the respective pairs of Motor Amarillo Motorreductor Hobby vcc and GND.vcc
and GND
connected to L298N OUT1-OUT4.VCC
connected to Arduino UNO 5V.GND
connected to Arduino UNO GND and all Servo gnd.SDA
connected to Arduino UNO A4.SCL
connected to Arduino UNO A5.V+
connected to all Servo vcc.PWM1-PWM16
connected to respective Servo pulse pins.vcc
connected to 16-Channel PWM Servo Driver V+.gnd
connected to 16-Channel PWM Servo Driver GND.pulse
connected to 16-Channel PWM Servo Driver PWM2-PWM5.+
connected to L298N 12V.-
connected to L298N GND.void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
This code is a template for the Arduino UNO and does not contain any functional code. It provides the basic structure for an Arduino sketch with setup()
and loop()
functions. The setup()
function is intended for initialization code that runs once, while the loop()
function contains code that runs repeatedly.
The provided code is a placeholder and needs to be populated with the logic to control the motors via the L298N driver, read distance measurements from the HC-SR04 sensor, and manage the servos using the 16-Channel PWM Servo Driver. The actual implementation will depend on the specific requirements of the application this circuit is intended for.