This circuit is designed to interface various sensors and actuators with an ESP32 Devkit V1 microcontroller. The sensors include a DHT11 humidity and temperature sensor, an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, a pH degree sensor module, and a TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) sensor module. The circuit also includes a 5V 2-Relay module to control two 5V mini water pumps and three I2C LCD 16x2 screens for display purposes. The power supply is a 220V source that is connected to the relay module and the water pumps. The ESP32 Devkit V1 serves as the central processing unit, reading sensor data and controlling the actuators based on the programmed logic.
connected to:GND
connected to:D5
connected to HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor TRIGD18
connected to HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor ECHOD21
(SDA) connected to all I2C LCD 16x2 Screens SDAD22
(SCL) connected to all I2C LCD 16x2 Screens SCLD23
connected to DHT11 Sensor DATAD34
connected to pH Degree Sensor Module pH AD25
connected to 5V 2-Relay JD-VCC IN2D26
connected to 5V 2-Relay JD-VCC IN1D27
connected to TDS Sensor Module TDS AVIN
connected to all I2C LCD 16x2 Screens VCC (5V)VDD
connected to ESP32 Devkit V1 3V3DATA
connected to ESP32 Devkit V1 D23GND
connected to ESP32 Devkit V1 GNDVCC
connected to ESP32 Devkit V1 3V3TRIG
connected to ESP32 Devkit V1 D5ECHO
connected to ESP32 Devkit V1 D18GND
connected to ESP32 Devkit V1 GNDpH Positive
connected to ESP32 Devkit V1 3V3pH Negative
connected to ESP32 Devkit V1 GNDpH A
connected to ESP32 Devkit V1 D34TDS Positive
connected to ESP32 Devkit V1 3V3TDS Negative
connected to ESP32 Devkit V1 GNDTDS A
connected to ESP32 Devkit V1 D27VCC
connected to ESP32 Devkit V1 3V3GND
connected to ESP32 Devkit V1 GNDIN1
connected to ESP32 Devkit V1 D26IN2
connected to ESP32 Devkit V1 D25NO
connected to Power 220V hot wireCOM
connected to both 5V mini water pumps positive pinPositive pin
connected to 5V 2-Relay JD-VCC COMNegative pin
connected to Power 220V neutral wireHot wire
connected to 5V 2-Relay JD-VCC NONeutral wire
connected to both 5V mini water pumps negative pinSDA
connected to ESP32 Devkit V1 D21SCL
connected to ESP32 Devkit V1 D22VCC (5V)
connected to ESP32 Devkit V1 VINGND
connected to ESP32 Devkit V1 GNDNo code was provided for the microcontrollers in the circuit. The documentation of the code would typically include a description of the functionality implemented in the code, along with comments within the code explaining the purpose of different sections and functions. Since no code is available, this section cannot be completed.