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Arduino-Based Rain Detection System with Servo-Controlled Mechanism

Image of Arduino-Based Rain Detection System with Servo-Controlled Mechanism

Circuit Documentation


This circuit is designed to control a servo motor based on the input from a rain sensor. The system uses an Arduino Uno R3 to read the rain sensor data and control the servo motor accordingly. Additionally, a 1 Channel Relay and an Adafruit MicroLipo Charger USB Type C are included in the circuit.

Component List


  • Description: A servo motor used for precise control of angular position.
  • Pins: gnd, vcc, pulse

Arduino Uno R3

  • Description: A microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P.
  • Pins: D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, GND, AREF, SDA, SCL, D0/RX, D1/Tx, D2, D3, D4, D5, 6, D7, A5/SCL, A4/SDA, A3, A2, A1, A0, Vin, 5V, 3.3V, RESET, IOREF, NONE, USB Jack, Power Jack

Adafruit MicroLipo Charger USB Type C

  • Description: A USB Type C charger for LiPo batteries.
  • Pins: GND, VBAT, 5V, D-, D+


  • Description: A sensor used to detect the presence of rain.
  • Pins: AO, DO, GRD, VCC

1 Channel Relay 5V

  • Description: A relay module used to control high voltage devices.
  • Pins: VCC, GND, IN, NC, COM, NO

Wiring Details


  • gnd connected to Arduino Uno R3 GND and RAIN SENSOR GRD
  • vcc connected to 1 Channel Relay 5V VCC
  • pulse connected to Arduino Uno R3 D4

Arduino Uno R3

  • GND connected to RAIN SENSOR GRD and Servo gnd
  • 5V connected to RAIN SENSOR VCC
  • D4 connected to Servo pulse
  • D2 connected to RAIN SENSOR DO

Adafruit MicroLipo Charger USB Type C

  • No specific connections detailed in the net list.


  • GRD connected to Arduino Uno R3 GND and Servo gnd
  • VCC connected to Arduino Uno R3 5V
  • DO connected to Arduino Uno R3 D2

1 Channel Relay 5V

  • VCC connected to Servo vcc

Documented Code

Arduino Uno R3 Code

#include <Servo.h>

// Inisialisasi servo
Servo servo1;

// Inisialisasi pin sensor
const int pinHujan = 0; // Updated pin number

// Inisialisasi pembacaan sensor
int hujan;

// Inisialisasi derajat buka-tutup servo
int tutup = 150;
int buka = 10;

// ------------------------ Program Default Awal ------------------------ //

void setup() {
    // Setting baud rate serial monitor

    // Inisialisasi pin servo

    // Inisialisasi status input/output pin
    pinMode(pinHujan, INPUT);

// -------------------------- Program Utama --------------------------- //

void loop() {
    // Pembacaan sensor
    hujan = digitalRead(pinHujan);

    // Menulis pada serial monitor pembacaan sensor hujan
    Serial.print("Hujan: ");

    // Jika kondisi hujan
    if (hujan == 0) {
        // Servo menutup
    // Jika kondisi tidak hujan
    else if (hujan == 1) {
        // Servo membuka

    // Delay jalannya program

Servo Code

// Memanggil library motor servo
#include <Servo.h>

// Inisialisasi servo
Servo servo1;

// Inisialisasi pin sensor
const int pinHujan = 2;

// Inisialisasi pembacaan sensor
int hujan;

// Inisialisasi derajat buka-tutup servo
int tutup = 110;
int buka = 10;

// ------------------------ Program Default Awal ------------------------ //

void setup() {
    // Setting baud rate serial monitor

    // Inisialisasi pin servo

    // Inisialisasi status input/output pin
    pinMode(pinHujan, INPUT);

// -------------------------- Program Utama --------------------------- //

void loop() {
    // Pembacaan sensor
    hujan = digitalRead(pinHujan);

    // Menulis pada serial monitor pembacaan sensor hujan
    Serial.print("Hujan: ");

    // Sensor hujan akan bernilai = 0 saat ada air (hujan)
    // dan bernilai = 1 saat kering (tidak hujan)

    // Jika kondisi hujan
    if (hujan == 0) {
        // Servo menutup
    // Jika kondisi tidak hujan
    else if (hujan == 1) {
        // Servo membuka

    // Delay jalannya program

Adafruit MicroLipo Charger USB Type C Code

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:



void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
