This circuit is designed to control a pair of DC motors using an Arduino UNO microcontroller in conjunction with an L298N DC motor driver. The system also includes two infrared sensors for detecting line tracking, which is commonly used in robotics for following paths. The Arduino UNO is powered by a 9V battery and controls the motor driver, which in turn controls the speed and direction of the DC motors. The infrared sensors are used to provide input to the Arduino, which then makes decisions to adjust the motors accordingly.
pin connected to the VCC of both IR sensors.GND
pin connected to the GND of both IR sensors, L298N GND, and 9V Battery -
pin connected to L298N 5V
, D12
, D11
, D10
, D6
, D5
, D4
, and D2
are used to control the L298N motor driver and read from the IR sensors.+
connected to L298N 12V
connected to Arduino GND and L298N GND.OUT1
and OUT2
and OUT4
connected to Arduino Vin
connected to 9V Battery -
and Arduino GND.IN1
, IN2
, IN3
, IN4
, and ENB
controlled by Arduino digital pins D13
, D12
, D11
, D10
, D6
, and D5
, OUT2
, OUT3
, and OUT4
connected to the respective pins of the DC motors.VCC
connected to Arduino 5V
connected to Arduino GND.out
connected to Arduino digital pins D4
and D2
.// Definición de los pines para el control de la velocidad
int VelocidadMotor1 = 6;
int VelocidadMotor2 = 5;
// Definición de los pines de control de giro de los motores
int Motor1A = 13;
int Motor1B = 12;
int Motor2C = 11;
int Motor2D = 10;
// Sensores infrarrojo - izquierdo y derecho
int infraPin = 2;
int infraPinL = 4;
// Variables para la captura de los valores: 0 - fondo claro y 1 - línea negra
int valorInfra = 0;
int valorInfral = 0;
// Configuración inicial
void setup() {
// Establecemos modo de los pines de los sensores infrarrojo
pinMode(infraPin, INPUT);
pinMode(infraPinL, INPUT);
// Establecemos modo de los pines del control de motores
pinMode(Motor1A, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Motor1B, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Motor2C, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Motor2D, OUTPUT);
// Configuramos los dos motores a velocidad 150/255
analogWrite(VelocidadMotor1, 150);
analogWrite(VelocidadMotor2, 150);
// Configuramos sentido de giro inicial (motores apagados en este caso)
digitalWrite(Motor1A, LOW);
digitalWrite(Motor1B, LOW);
digitalWrite(Motor2C, LOW);
digitalWrite(Motor2D, LOW);
// Ejecución continua
void loop() {
// Leemos el valor de los sensores infrarrojos: 0 - fondo claro y 1 - línea negra
valorInfra = digitalRead(infraPin);
valorInfral = digitalRead(infraPinL);
Serial.print("Valor Infra: ");
Serial.print(" Valor Infral: ");
// Cuatro escenarios:
// Ninguno en línea
if (valorInfra == 0 && valorInfral == 0) {
Serial.println("Ninguno en línea");
// Ambos motores hacia adelante
digitalWrite(Motor1A, HIGH);
digitalWrite(Motor1B, LOW);
digitalWrite(Motor2C, HIGH);
digitalWrite(Motor2D, LOW);
// Derecho en línea
else if (valorInfra == 0 && valorInfral == 1) {
Serial.println("Derecho en línea");
// Girar a la derecha
digitalWrite(Motor1A, LOW);
digitalWrite(Motor1B, LOW);
digitalWrite(Motor2C, HIGH);
digitalWrite(Motor2D, LOW);
// Izquierdo en línea
else if (valorInfra == 1 && valorInfral == 0) {
Serial.println("Izquierdo en línea");
// Girar a la izquierda
digitalWrite(Motor1A, HIGH);
digitalWrite(Motor1B, LOW);
digitalWrite(Motor2C, LOW);
digitalWrite(Motor2D, LOW);
// Ambos sensores en línea (final del circuito)
else if (valorInfra == 1 && valorInfral == 1) {
Serial.println("Ambos en línea");
// Parar los motores
digitalWrite(Motor1A, LOW);
digitalWrite(Motor1B, LOW);
digitalWrite(Motor2C, LOW);
digitalWrite(Motor2D, LOW);
delay(100); // Añadido para evitar lecturas demasiado rápidas
This code is designed to be uploaded to an Arduino UNO microcontroller. It sets up the pins for motor control and reads from two infrared sensors to determine the path for a line-following robot. Depending on the sensor readings, it adjusts the motor speeds and directions to follow the line.