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Arduino UNO Controlled Line Following Robot with L298N Motor Driver and IR Sensors

Image of Arduino UNO Controlled Line Following Robot with L298N Motor Driver and IR Sensors

Circuit Documentation

Summary of the Circuit

This circuit is designed to control a robot with two DC motors using an Arduino UNO as the main controller. The robot's path is determined by an array of four IR sensors that detect the presence of a line on the ground. The Arduino UNO reads the sensors' outputs and adjusts the motors' speeds using a PID control loop to keep the robot aligned with the line. The motors are driven by an L298N DC motor driver, which receives power from a 12V battery. A rocker switch is used to control the power supply to the motor driver.

Component List

Arduino UNO

  • Microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P
  • Used for reading IR sensor data and controlling the motor driver

IR Sensors (4x)

  • Infrared sensors used for line detection
  • Provide digital output to the Arduino UNO

L298N DC Motor Driver

  • Dual H-bridge motor driver
  • Controls the direction and speed of two DC motors

Battery 12V

  • Provides power to the motor driver and the Arduino UNO

Motors (2x)

  • DC motors used to drive the robot's wheels

Rocker Switch

  • Controls the power supply from the battery to the motor driver

Wiring Details

Arduino UNO

  • 5V connected to the 5V power rail supplying the IR sensors and the L298N motor driver
  • GND connected to the ground rail, which is also connected to the battery's negative terminal
  • Digital pins D2 to D11 are used to interface with the IR sensors and the motor driver

IR Sensors

  • vcc pins connected to the 5V power rail
  • gnd pins connected to the ground rail
  • out pins connected to the Arduino UNO's digital pins D2 to D5

L298N DC Motor Driver

  • 5V connected to the 5V power rail
  • GND connected to the ground rail
  • 12V connected to the rocker switch's output
  • ENA and ENB connected to Arduino UNO's digital pins D11 and D6 for speed control
  • IN1 to IN4 connected to Arduino UNO's digital pins D10 to D7 for direction control
  • OUT1 to OUT4 connected to the motors

Battery 12V

  • + connected to the rocker switch's input
  • - connected to the ground rail


  • One motor's vcc and GND connected to OUT1 and OUT2 of the motor driver
  • The other motor's vcc and GND connected to OUT3 and OUT4 of the motor driver

Rocker Switch

  • input connected to the battery's + terminal
  • output connected to the 12V input of the motor driver

Documented Code

// Pin definitions for 4-channel IR sensor array
#define IR_SENSOR1 A5  // Left-most sensor
#define IR_SENSOR2 A4  // Left-middle sensor
#define IR_SENSOR3 A3  // Right-middle sensor
#define IR_SENSOR4 A2  // Right-most sensor

// Motor driver pin definitions
#define ENA 3  // Speed control for left motor
#define ENB 9  // Speed control for right motor
#define IN1 4  // Right motor backward
#define IN2 5  // Right motor forward
#define IN3 6  // Left motor backward
#define IN4 7  // Left motor forward

// Motor speed settings
int baseSpeed = 200;  // Base speed for motors
int maxSpeed = 255;   // Max motor speed

// PID control variables
float Kp = 65;            // Proportional constant
float Ki = 0.0084;        // Integral constant
float Kd = 7.9;           // Derivative constant
float previousError = 0;  // Store last error for derivative calculation
float integral = 0;       // Integral sum

int threshold = 400;  // Threshold for line detection (adjust as needed)

void setup() {
  // Motor driver pins
  pinMode(ENA, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ENB, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(IN1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(IN2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(IN3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(IN4, OUTPUT);

  // Begin serial monitor (optional for debugging)

void botLoop() {
  // Read analog values from sensors
  int sensor1 = analogRead(IR_SENSOR1);
  int sensor2 = analogRead(IR_SENSOR2);
  int sensor3 = analogRead(IR_SENSOR3);
  int sensor4 = analogRead(IR_SENSOR4);

  // Calculate position based on sensor readings
  int position = (sensor1 > threshold ? -3 : 0) + (sensor2 > threshold ? -1 : 0) +
                 (sensor3 > threshold ? 1 : 0) + (sensor4 > threshold ? 3 : 0);

  // Calculate error (0 means center, negative for left, positive for right)
  float error = position * -1;

  // PID calculations
  integral += error;                         // Accumulate the integral
  float derivative = error - previousError;  // Calculate the difference for derivative
  previousError = error;                     // Store current error for next loop

  // PID output to adjust motor speeds
  float correction = Kp * error + Ki * integral + Kd * derivative;

  // Calculate motor speeds with PID correction
  int leftSpeed = baseSpeed + correction;
  int rightSpeed = baseSpeed - correction;

  // Constrain speeds to motor limits
  leftSpeed = constrain(leftSpeed, (-3 * maxSpeed), maxSpeed);
  rightSpeed = constrain(rightSpeed, (-3 * maxSpeed), maxSpeed);

  // Print left motor speed only for Serial Plotter

  // Move the motors
  moveForward(leftSpeed, rightSpeed);

void loop() {

void moveForward(int leftSpeed, int rightSpeed) {
  if (leftSpeed > 0) {
    digitalWrite(IN3, HIGH);   // Left motor forward
    digitalWrite(IN4, LOW);    // Left motor backward
  } else {
    digitalWrite(IN3, LOW);    // Left motor forward
    digitalWrite(IN4, HIGH);   // Left motor backward

  if (rightSpeed > 0) {
    digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);    // Right motor forward
    digitalWrite(IN2, HIGH);   // Right motor backward
  } else {
    digitalWrite(IN1, HIGH);   // Right motor forward
    digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);    // Right motor backward
  analogWrite(ENA, abs(rightSpeed));
  analogWrite(ENB, abs(leftSpeed));

void stopMotors() {
  digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(IN3, LOW);
  digitalWrite(IN4, LOW);
  analogWrite(ENA, 0);
  analogWrite(ENB, 0);

This code is responsible for reading the IR sensor values, calculating the position of the line, and adjusting the motor speeds accordingly using a PID control loop. The moveForward function controls the direction and speed of the motors, while the stopMotors function halts all motor activity. The botLoop function is the main loop that executes the PID control and motor movement logic.