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Arduino Uno R3 LED Blinker with SIM800L GSM Module

Image of Arduino Uno R3 LED Blinker with SIM800L GSM Module

Circuit Documentation


This circuit consists of an Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller, a red LED, and a SIM 800L V2.0 GSM module. The Arduino Uno R3 controls the LED, turning it on for 2 seconds and off for 3 seconds repeatedly. Additionally, the Arduino communicates with the SIM 800L module for GSM functionalities.

Component List

Arduino Uno R3

  • Description: A microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P.
  • Pins: D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, GND, AREF, SDA, SCL, D0/RX, D1/Tx, D2, D3, D4, D5, 6, D7, A5/SCL, A4/SDA, A3, A2, A1, A0, Vin, 5V, 3.3V, RESET, IOREF, NONE, USB Jack, Power Jack

LED: Two Pin (red)

  • Description: A standard red LED with two pins.
  • Pins: cathode, anode

SIM 800L V2.0 GSM

  • Description: A GSM module for communication over cellular networks.
  • Pins: SIM_TXD, VDD, SIM.RXD, 5V/4V, GND, RST

Wiring Details

Arduino Uno R3

  • D13: Connected to the anode of the LED.
  • GND: Connected to the cathode of the LED.
  • 6: Connected to SIM_TXD of the SIM 800L GSM module.
  • D7: Connected to SIM.RXD of the SIM 800L GSM module.
  • GND: Connected to GND of the SIM 800L GSM module.
  • 5V: Connected to 5V/4V of the SIM 800L GSM module.

LED: Two Pin (red)

  • anode: Connected to D13 of the Arduino Uno R3.
  • cathode: Connected to GND of the Arduino Uno R3.

SIM 800L V2.0 GSM

  • SIM_TXD: Connected to pin 6 of the Arduino Uno R3.
  • SIM.RXD: Connected to pin D7 of the Arduino Uno R3.
  • GND: Connected to GND of the Arduino Uno R3.
  • 5V/4V: Connected to 5V of the Arduino Uno R3.

Code Documentation

Arduino Sketch

 * This Arduino Sketch turns an LED on for 2 seconds and off for 3 seconds
 * repeatedly. The LED is connected to digital pin 13 on the Arduino Uno R3.

void setup() {
  // Initialize digital pin 13 as an output.
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  // Turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
  // Wait for 2 seconds
  // Turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
  digitalWrite(13, LOW);
  // Wait for 3 seconds
  • File Name: sketch.ino
  • Description: This code initializes digital pin 13 as an output and toggles the LED connected to it on and off with specified delays.