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Arduino-Based Robotic Arm with RGB Color Detection and Servo Control

Image of Arduino-Based Robotic Arm with RGB Color Detection and Servo Control

Circuit Documentation


This circuit is designed to control a robotic arm using an Arduino UNO microcontroller. The arm's movements are determined by the color detected by an Adafruit TCS34725 RGB Color Sensor. The circuit includes multiple servos to control different parts of the arm, a pushbutton for user input, and a power supply to provide the necessary voltage and current.

Component List

Adafruit TCS34725 RGB Color Sensor

  • Description: RGB color sensor with an IR filter and white LED.
  • Pins: LED_EN, INT, SDA, SCL, +3V3, GND, VIN

Servo (4 units)

  • Description: Standard servo motor.
  • Pins: GND, VCC, PWM

Arduino UNO

  • Description: Microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P.
  • Pins: UNUSED, IOREF, Reset, 3.3V, 5V, GND, Vin, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, SCL, SDA, AREF, D13, D12, D11, D10, D9, D8, D7, D6, D5, D4, D3, D2, D1, D0


  • Description: Power supply providing 5V and up to 5A.
  • Pins: 220V Positive Pole (AC), 220V Negative Pole (AC), GND, GND (DC), 12V-24V Output (DC)


  • Description: Standard pushbutton switch.
  • Pins: Pin 3 (out), Pin 4 (out), Pin 1 (in), Pin 2 (in)


  • Description: 10k Ohm resistor.
  • Pins: pin1, pin2
  • Properties: Resistance: 10000 Ohms

Wiring Details

Adafruit TCS34725 RGB Color Sensor

  • SDA: Connected to Arduino UNO SDA
  • SCL: Connected to Arduino UNO SCL
  • GND: Connected to Arduino UNO GND
  • VIN: Connected to Arduino UNO 5V

Servo 1

  • GND: Connected to POWER SUPPLY 5V 5AMP GND (DC)
  • VCC: Connected to POWER SUPPLY 5V 5AMP 12V-24V Output (DC)
  • PWM: Connected to Arduino UNO D5

Servo 2

  • GND: Connected to POWER SUPPLY 5V 5AMP GND (DC)
  • VCC: Connected to POWER SUPPLY 5V 5AMP 12V-24V Output (DC)
  • PWM: Connected to Arduino UNO D9

Servo 3

  • GND: Connected to POWER SUPPLY 5V 5AMP GND (DC)
  • VCC: Connected to POWER SUPPLY 5V 5AMP 12V-24V Output (DC)
  • PWM: Connected to Arduino UNO D10

Servo 4

  • GND: Connected to POWER SUPPLY 5V 5AMP GND (DC)
  • VCC: Connected to POWER SUPPLY 5V 5AMP 12V-24V Output (DC)
  • PWM: Connected to Arduino UNO D11

Arduino UNO

  • GND: Connected to POWER SUPPLY 5V 5AMP GND (DC)
  • SDA: Connected to Adafruit TCS34725 RGB Color Sensor SDA
  • SCL: Connected to Adafruit TCS34725 RGB Color Sensor SCL
  • 5V: Connected to Adafruit TCS34725 RGB Color Sensor VIN
  • D0: Connected to Resistor pin1
  • D5: Connected to Servo 1 PWM
  • D9: Connected to Servo 2 PWM
  • D10: Connected to Servo 3 PWM
  • D11: Connected to Servo 4 PWM


  • GND (DC): Connected to Servo 1 GND, Servo 2 GND, Servo 3 GND, Servo 4 GND, Arduino UNO GND
  • 12V-24V Output (DC): Connected to Servo 1 VCC, Servo 2 VCC, Servo 3 VCC, Servo 4 VCC


  • Pin 3 (out): Connected to Pin 1 (in)
  • Pin 4 (out): Connected to Pin 2 (in)
  • Pin 1 (in): Connected to POWER SUPPLY 5V 5AMP 12V-24V Output (DC)
  • Pin 2 (in): Connected to Resistor pin1


  • pin1: Connected to Pushbutton Pin 2 (in)
  • pin2: Connected to POWER SUPPLY 5V 5AMP GND (DC)

Documented Code

#include <Servo.h>
#include <Adafruit_TCS34725.h>
#include <Servo.h>
Adafruit_TCS34725 tcs = Adafruit_TCS34725(TCS34725_INTEGRATIONTIME_50MS, TCS34725_GAIN_4X);

int tiempo1 = 30;
int tiempo2 = 1000;

Servo Cintura;  // Declaramos variable para contolar Servo Cintura
Servo Hombro;   // Declaramos variable para contolar Servo Hombro
Servo Codo;     // Declaramos variable para contolar Servo Codo
Servo Pinzas;   // Declaramos variable para contolar Servo Pinzas

int ang;

void setup() {

  tcs.begin();  // inicializamos el sensor

  Cintura.attach(6);  // Para control servo Cintura asignamos el pin digital 6
  Hombro.attach(9);   // Para control servo Hombro asignamos el pin digital 9
  Codo.attach(10);    // Para control servo Codo asignamos el pin digital 10
  Pinzas.attach(11);  // Para control servo Pinzas asignamos el pin digital 11

  Cintura.write(90);  //  Posición inicial servo cintura  = 90 Grados
  Hombro.write(20);   //  Posición inicial servo hombro = 20 Grados
  Codo.write(50);     //  Posición inicial servo codo = 50 Grados
  Pinzas.write(0);    //  Posición inicial servo pinzas = 0 Grados

void loop() {

  float red, green, blue;           // variables para colores R,g,b
  tcs.getRGB(&red, &green, &blue);  // lectura de colores con el sensor
  int R = int(red);
  int G = int(green);
  int B = int(blue);
  String color = "";
  if ((R - B > 10) & (G - B > 25)) {
    color = "BLANCO";
    // ---------------------------------------------------SECUENCIA 1 (COLOR BLANCO) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    for (ang = 20; ang < 90; ang++)  //Hombro gira al frente hasta 90 grados

    Pinzas.write(22);  // Pinzas se cierran hasta 22 grados

    for (ang = 90; ang > 20; ang--)  //hombro regresa hasta 30 grados
    for (ang = 90; ang > 40; ang--)  // Cintura gira a la derecha hasta 40 grados

    for (ang = 50; ang > 35; ang--)  //codo gira de 50 a 35 grados

    for (ang = 20; ang < 91; ang++)  //Hombro gira al frente de 20 a 90 grados
    Pinzas.write(0);  // Pinzas se abren hasta la posición de 0 grados


    for (ang = 90; ang > 20; ang--)  //hombro regresa de 90 a 20 grados

    for (ang = 35; ang < 50; ang++)  //Codo regresa  a la posición de  50 grados

    for (ang = 40; ang < 90; ang++)  // Cintura gira