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Arduino-Controlled IR Remote Solenoid Activation System

Image of Arduino-Controlled IR Remote Solenoid Activation System

Circuit Documentation


This circuit is designed to activate a solenoid using an IR remote control. When the '1' button on the remote is pressed, the Arduino 101 microcontroller activates a relay, which in turn powers the solenoid. The circuit includes an IR receiver to capture signals from the remote, a 12V battery to power the solenoid and relay, and a rocker switch to control the power supply.

Component List

  1. Solenoid

    • Description: Electromechanical device that converts electrical energy into mechanical motion.
    • Pins: pin1, pin2
  2. Arduino 101

    • Description: Microcontroller board based on the Intel Curie module.
    • Pins: A5/SCL, A4/SDA, AREF, GND, D13/SCK, D12/MISO, D11 PWM/MOSI, D10 PWM/SS, D9 PWM, D8, D7, D6 PWM, D5 PWM, D4, D3 PWM, D2, D1/TX, D0/RX, AIN, ioref, RESET, 3V3, 5V, VIN, A0, A1, A2, A3, ICSP MISO, ICSP SCK, ICSP MOSI
  3. Rocker Switch

    • Description: A switch that rocks back and forth to open or close a circuit.
    • Pins: 1, 2
  4. Battery 12V

    • Description: Power source providing 12V DC.
    • Pins: +, -
  5. HX1838 Infrared IR Wireless Remote Control

    • Description: Remote control for sending IR signals.
    • Pins: FFA25D (1), FF629D (2), FFE21D (3), FF22DD (4), FF02FD (5), FFC23D (6), FFE01F (7), FFA857 (8), FF906F (9), FF9867 (0), FFB04F (#), FF6897 (*), FF18E7 (↑), FF5AA5 (→), FF10EF (←), FF4AB5 (↓), FF38C7 (OK)
  6. IR Receiver

    • Description: Device that receives IR signals from the remote control.
    • Pins: DATA, VCC, GND
  7. 12V Relay

    • Description: Electromechanical switch that uses a 12V signal to control a higher power circuit.
    • Pins: NO, COM, NC, IN, DC-, DC+

Wiring Details


  • pin1 connected to battery 12V (-)
  • pin2 connected to 12V Relay (COM)

Arduino 101

  • D2 connected to IR Receiver (DATA)
  • GND connected to IR Receiver (GND)
  • 5V connected to IR Receiver (VCC)
  • D4 connected to 12V Relay (IN)

Rocker Switch

  • Pin 1 connected to battery 12V (+)
  • Pin 2 connected to 12V Relay (NO) and 12V Relay (DC+)

Battery 12V

  • + connected to Rocker Switch (Pin 1)
  • - connected to Solenoid (pin1) and 12V Relay (DC-)

IR Receiver

  • DATA connected to Arduino 101 (D2)
  • VCC connected to Arduino 101 (5V)
  • GND connected to Arduino 101 (GND)

12V Relay

  • NO connected to Rocker Switch (Pin 2)
  • COM connected to Solenoid (pin2)
  • IN connected to Arduino 101 (D4)
  • DC- connected to battery 12V (-)
  • DC+ connected to Rocker Switch (Pin 2)

Code Documentation

Arduino 101 Code

 * This Arduino sketch is designed to activate a relay when the '1' button on
 * an IR remote control is pressed. The relay, in turn, activates a solenoid.

#include <IRremote.h>

const int RECV_PIN = 2; // Pin connected to IR receiver DATA pin
const int RELAY_PIN = 4; // Pin connected to relay IN pin

IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
decode_results results;

void setup() {
  irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the IR receiver

void loop() {
  if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
    if (results.value == 0xFFA25D) { // '1' button on the remote
      digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, HIGH); // Activate relay
      delay(1000); // Keep relay on for 1 second
      digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, LOW); // Deactivate relay
    irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value

12V Relay Code

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

This documentation provides a comprehensive overview of the circuit, including a summary, detailed component list, wiring details, and the code used in the microcontrollers.