Circuit Documentation
This document provides a detailed overview of a circuit that includes an Arduino UNO microcontroller, an MPU-6050 accelerometer and gyroscope, an HC-05 Bluetooth module, an L298N DC motor driver, two DC motors, and a 6V battery pack. The circuit is designed to control the DC motors based on sensor inputs and communicate wirelessly via Bluetooth.
Component List
Arduino UNO
- Description: A microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P.
- Pins: UNUSED, IOREF, Reset, 3.3V, 5V, GND, Vin, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, SCL, SDA, AREF, D13, D12, D11, D10, D9, D8, D7, D6, D5, D4, D3, D2, D1, D0
- Description: A 6-axis motion tracking device that combines a 3-axis gyroscope and a 3-axis accelerometer.
- Description: A Bluetooth module used for wireless communication.
L298N DC Motor Driver
- Description: A dual H-bridge motor driver that allows control of two DC motors.
- Pins: OUT1, OUT2, 12V, GND, 5V, OUT3, OUT4, 5V-ENA-JMP-I, 5V-ENA-JMP-O, +5V-J1, +5V-J2, ENA, IN1, IN2, IN3, IN4, ENB
DC Motor (x2)
- Description: Standard DC motors used for various applications.
- Pins: pin 1, pin 2
Battery AAx4 6V
- Description: A battery pack consisting of four AA batteries providing 6V.
- Pins: VCC, GND
Wiring Details
Arduino UNO
- 3.3V to MPU-6050 VCC
- 5V to HC-05 VCC
- GND to HC-05 GND
- GND to MPU-6050 GND
- A4 to MPU-6050 SDA
- A5 to MPU-6050 SCL
- GND to L298N DC motor driver GND and Battery AAx4 6V GND
- D11 to L298N DC motor driver IN1
- D10 to L298N DC motor driver IN2
- D9 to L298N DC motor driver IN3
- D6 to HC-05 TXD
- D5 to HC-05 RXD
- D3 to L298N DC motor driver IN4
- D2 to MPU-6050 INT
- VCC to Arduino UNO 3.3V
- GND to Arduino UNO GND
- SDA to Arduino UNO A4
- SCL to Arduino UNO A5
- INT to Arduino UNO D2
- VCC to Arduino UNO 5V
- GND to Arduino UNO GND
- TXD to Arduino UNO D6
- RXD to Arduino UNO D5
L298N DC Motor Driver
- GND to Arduino UNO GND and Battery AAx4 6V GND
- IN1 to Arduino UNO D11
- IN2 to Arduino UNO D10
- IN3 to Arduino UNO D9
- IN4 to Arduino UNO D3
- OUT1 to DC Motor pin 2
- OUT2 to DC Motor pin 1
- OUT3 to DC Motor pin 2
- OUT4 to DC Motor pin 1
- 12V to Battery AAx4 6V VCC
DC Motor 1
- pin 1 to L298N DC motor driver OUT2
- pin 2 to L298N DC motor driver OUT1
DC Motor 2
- pin 1 to L298N DC motor driver OUT4
- pin 2 to L298N DC motor driver OUT3
Battery AAx4 6V
- VCC to L298N DC motor driver 12V
- GND to Arduino UNO GND and L298N DC motor driver GND
Documented Code
Arduino UNO Code (sketch.ino)
void setup() {
void loop() {
Additional Documentation (documentation.txt)
This document provides a comprehensive overview of the circuit, including the components used, their wiring details, and the code running on the Arduino UNO microcontroller.