This circuit integrates a variety of components including an Arduino UNO microcontroller, temperature sensor (DS18B20), stepper motors (28BYJ-48) with ULN2003A driver boards, an MQ-135 air quality sensor, and an ESP8266 ESP-12E WiFi module. The Arduino UNO serves as the central processing unit, interfacing with sensors and controlling the stepper motors. The DS18B20 provides temperature readings, while the MQ-135 sensor monitors air quality. The ESP8266 module enables wireless communication capabilities. The stepper motors are driven by ULN2003A breakout boards, which receive control signals from the Arduino.
connected to the +5V
pins of both ULN2003A breakout boards, vcc
of DS18B20, and VCC
of MQ-135 sensorGND
connected to GND
pins of ESP8266, DS18B20, MQ-135 sensor, and 0V
of both ULN2003A breakout boardsA0
connected to A0
of MQ-135 sensorA1
connected to In 3
of ULN2003A breakout boardA2
connected to In 4
of ULN2003A breakout boardD13
connected to In 2
of ULN2003A breakout boardD12
connected to In 1
of ULN2003A breakout boardD11
connected to In 4
of the second ULN2003A breakout boardD10
connected to In 3
of the second ULN2003A breakout boardD9
connected to In 2
of the second ULN2003A breakout boardD8
connected to In 1
of the second ULN2003A breakout boardD4
connected to RXD
of ESP8266D3
connected to TXD
of ESP8266D2
connected to signal
of DS18B20BLUE wire
connected to BLUE
of 28BYJ-48 Stepper MotorPINK wire
connected to PINK
of 28BYJ-48 Stepper MotorYELLOW wire
connected to YELLOW
of 28BYJ-48 Stepper MotorORANGE wire
connected to ORANGE
of 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor(Repeat the above connections for the second ULN2003A breakout board and stepper motor)
connected to D2
of Arduino UNOGND
connected to GND
of Arduino UNOvcc
connected to 5V
of Arduino UNOA0
connected to A0
of Arduino UNOGND
connected to GND
of Arduino UNOVCC
connected to 5V
of Arduino UNORXD
connected to D4
of Arduino UNOTXD
connected to D3
of Arduino UNOGND
connected to GND
of Arduino UNOvoid setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
Note: The provided code is a template and does not contain any functional code specific to the components or the circuit's intended operation. The user must add the necessary code to initialize the components and define the behavior of the circuit within the setup()
and loop()